Elf 5- Adurnaë (Lauren19997){ELIMINATED}

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Name of rider: Adurnaë

Age:15 1/2

Hometown: outskirts of elesmera

Celebrity look a like: Susan Coffey

Physical description: pale complexion, elf like characteristics, dark red hair, and dark brown eyes

Personality traits: curious, never gives up, anger issues, kind heart and soul and would do anything for a person in need

Description of sword: elven sword, deadly sharp curves and is a dark red colour. Can also use throwing knives that are strapped onto her belt. Also bow and arrow which is carved beautifully with flower patterns. The swords name is Brisinger Wyrda.

Species: elf

Worst fear: the unknown depths of the ocean and oblivion

Name of dragon: Leafian

Description of dragon: turquoise green with some light blues. Is a male. Has bright aqua blue eyes that sparkle.

Favourite activity: drawing

Favourite training: magic, sword fighting and archery

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