Human 8- Andraya "Ray" (AbigailC13) {ELIMINATED}

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Name of Rider : Andraya/Ray

Age of Rider : 16

Hometown : Daret (on the Ninor River)

Celebrity look-alike : None

Physical Description : Ray has long, straight chocolate brown hair. Her eyes are dark green in color that are rimmed with dark black eyelashes. She is 5 feet and 8 inches tall with a strong but slender build. Ray is light-skinned and she has freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks. She has full lips that are light pink. She is also not fond of dresses and will only wear them on special occasions. Therefore, she usually wears pants that are neither baggy nor skin-tight - somewhere in between - along with a tank top. A belt usually adorns her waist so that she may carry her sword with her. A necklace from her father hangs around her neck. Hanging from the silver chain is a carefully made dragon. She has had the necklace since she was little.

Personality Traits : Andraya has always been able to keep promises - and secrets. She is shy at first, but her friends quickly realized that she was much more out-going than she seemed. She knows how to keep her temper in check, although sometimes she can become out of control. Ray is very intelligent and can solve most problems - academic and real-life - fairly easily and quickly. She also observes and remembers almost every detail of anything she finds either interesting or is a new place. Ray also has a great sense of humor and will always be there when someone needs her.

Description of Sword : Ray's sword is named Hvitr Rakr, which means "white mist". Mist was the first spell Ray used. She cast the spell unknowingly and without words. She had been trying to sneak away and in a panic, she cast a spell making mist come out of nowhere which hid her and gave her an easy getaway. The sword's blade is a bit shorter than average, but thicker. It is flexible but strong and was forged with the help of Rhunön. The blade's color is the same color as Andi's scales (red) and appears to shimmer. The pommel and hilt are white and is long enough for Ray to use either one or two hands to fight. There is one large red jewel in the middle. If Ray places her thumb on the jewel, she has the ability to temporarily blind her opponent by covering them with sudden mist or ice cold water. When using water, people often underestimate the strength at which it will hit them. There are three more jewels under the largest one that become smaller and smaller. The same pattern is repeated on both sides.

Species : Human

Worst Fear : Ray's worst fear would losing her dragon. Her dragon is her other half and her best friend - she couldn't bear to lose her. And although the thought of losing her dragon scares Ray half to death, losing her closest friends come in as a close second.

Name of Dragon : Vervandie/Andi

Description of Dragon : Andi has bright red scales and white claws. The spikes along her back and the bones in her wings are also white. Her eyes are a shade darker than her shining scales while the membrane is such a light shade of red that it is often mistaken as pink. Her wings feel are thick but in the sun they look almost transparent. Andi's body is powerfully built and the fire she breathes is bright red mixed with some white and orange. She is a friendly dragon and gets along very well with all races in Alagaesia. But, if Ray is threatened, Andi will not hesitate to protect her Rider. Andi is also very agile in the air and moves with more ease than most of the other dragons.

Favorite Activity/Pass-time : Other than flying with Andi, Ray's favorite activity is singing songs from home and writing her own. Along with writing songs, she is fond of writing stories and has even finished a few. But she has only shown them to her closest friends.

Favorite Training Activity : Ray enjoys sword fighting and showing off her abilities. She moves with elegance that makes even her close friends envy her from time to time. She easily observes her opponent and sees their weaknesses and strengths so not often does she lose. Ray also likes learning and practicing the ancient language. She enjoys using magic and learning new spells. Her favorites are those that include singing.

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