Round Five: Finding Oneself

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Round Five: Finding Oneself

Your ears catch the sound of your name being called as you are leaving another hard day of training. Turning your head you see it is none other than the great Eragon summoning you. The Shadeslayer, The Kingkiller, The Leader of The Riders. What could he want with you? Striding to where he sits, you bow and listen to his words.

He has a request for you. He has left something dear on Vroengard. Something he would not need until the time was right. He does not tell you what this something is, only where it is located. This object is in the Vault of Souls.

He quickly tells you how to open the Vault of Souls and you cannot help gasping. You must use your true name. He also tells you that if you already know your true name (THIS GOES TO THE REMAINING ELVES IN THE COMPETITION WHO ARE BORN KNOWING THEIR TRUE NAME) the poisonous gasses left on Vroengard will snatch it from your memory.

Eragon then tells you to leave immediately with your dragon and not to tell a soul about your journey and what you bring back. This means that you will be going solo to the dangerous Vroengard, filled with strange creatures and poisonous air.

But, just before you leave, Eragon gives you an Eldunarí to bring with you so you have a little extra help. You are to retrieve this mystery object and bring it back safely to where Eragon is located. His last words are to wish you luck on your journey. You will need it.



1. You must describe finding your true name and opening the Vault of Souls. Remember, the poisonous gas will remove it from your memory if you are already aware of your true name (like elves who are born with the knowledge). When you find your true name, describe some of the things you see in it, like your flaws and that jazz. Also, you must come up with whatever object is in the Vault of Souls and why Eragon needs it. You have complete freedom over what happens on Vroengard and what happens with the object. You will go alone (besides your dragon and an Eldunarí), with no other contestants or characters from the series.

2. Like always, minimal swearing, violence is fine :) because this series is just violent lol. And always make sure it's ok before mentioning other characters.

3. THIS IS NEW When you send in your entry, if you HAVE to have italics, make a mark around them. Or perhaps put a 'around' the sentences you want italicized. We may or may not change them because going through and italicizing everything is what takes so long to get entries out there. So, if you read entries and see those, that's why they might be there. We hope you guys are not to mad about this but it does get very tedious. If there is time, we still might, but no promises.

Turn in your entries by PM OR EMAIL. if you would like to email your entries just Pm us and we can give that to you. Email can sometimes be easier for you because then you don't have to split the entries up. And we can just copy and paste everything. Only if you want though!

Due dates will be longer this time, so we will put the date as July 2nd, 2014. This is due to many people asking for extensions, so now, you don't have to ask! Also, if we get all the entries before this we will post them sooner. If not oh well :)

Ok that's a lot. Anywho that's all! Good luck!!!

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