Final Round Details

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Alrighty! This moment has been long in the coming but it is finally here. The final round! Now, there will be no ratings this round, only voting. But! We, the judges, will be voting for the person to whom we would have given the highest rating. this vote will be worth 2 or 3 normal votes. HAVENT DECIDED YET. So, that will be how we put our input into the winner.

Also, know that this is the LAST ROUND. You will never be using this character again. So, in this round you will be given a bit more free reign. the ending can be however you please. Of course, we will give you the starting prompt but after that, well, we await your ideas and creativity!

And finally, the moment you have probably been waiting for. The prizes!!!

Ok, I lied, before I explain the prizes I need to explain a few other things. After this competition ends, we, Sneakers and I, plan to hold four others. That is five DragonInks total. The first and second place winner of each, including this one, will both receive a prize. which is a spot in the DragonInk championship.

Now, I know someone out there is thinking, isn't this last round the "championship"? Yes and no. This is the last round of this competition but we are talking about AN ULTIMATE CHAMPIONSHIP. The top two of each of the five competitions will compete in this championship to decide the ultimate winner. In the championship you will create completely different characters and start all over again. This is to make sure everyone is on even footing.

So, back to prizes, congratulations Roslyn and Belle you both have spots in this championship no matter what place you come in! But, whoever wins first will be able to choose another prize! Now, this means that you can choose votes, reads on your stories, comments, a new book cover, etc. Basically anything! We don't really have a limit on the number of prizes but, well you know, be reasonable, we are human lol. But at the same time, whoever wins, you worked hard and deserve it.

Ok! if anyone has any questions, feel free to message us! Thank you to everyone and the final round will be up soon!

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