Episode Seventeen (Clip One)

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Everyone stood where they were. They were shocked at the scene. Their leader was no other than the Dark Elemental racer himself. Everyone couldn't believe it.

Louis was still on the ground. He clutched his fist angrily. "You betrayed all of us...."

"It was a choice. Like what my boss the Dark Element said: We're gonna make the world a better place!"

"You refer your partner as a boss?" JL asked. "That's disgusting!"

"And there's no way you're making this world a better place!" Joel yelled at Mr. Alex, having no respect for the traitor anymore.

Katie went to her boss and gave him a flash drive. "Here boss, it's the footage of the entire battle."

Mr. Alex took it without thanking her and turned back to the crowd.

"You fools really thought I form the Elemental Drifters for good use. How pathetic." Mr. Alex began his story.

"When my boss chooses me, he said that whenever he came across and battled the Light, the tactics the Light use were always different. Always it improved to be better and better, so I knew I had to study to Light. I had to know its strength and weaknesses. But both Dark and Light would never meet until the final battle. So I thought about and had an idea. Using my richness I form the Elemental Drifters to discover the remaining elements and their partners hidden around the world."

"You used us!" Airi yelled angrily at her stepfather.

"No Airi," The man told her. "You and your brother were the first ones that were chosen discovered by me. You thought I adopted you because I wanted to. Wrong! You were the starting of my master plan! After finding you two, we immediately started the organization. Slowly more members join. But the Light was nowhere to be found. Until that very night....." Mr. Alex trailed.

"No....." Louis remembers when he accidentally entered the Elemental Drifters headquarters three months ago.

"The Light Element came to us and barged into one of our headquarters while the elements were doing their nitro test. That's when I knew I was one step ahead of my game. But it took time, so I was patient, I studied the Light's every battle. Every move, every strategy was recorded. Till finally today......"


Louis sprang up angrily. "Alright, you wanna battle? Then let's do it!!!" He yelled at the man.

"Good." Mr. Alex smile.

However, in the shadows, Rachel hid behind a tree and was watching everything.
Episode Seventeen~All was a lie!!!

(A few days later)

Louis and the gang were in Mr. Kenner's garage. They wanted Louis' Mercedes to be ready for the final battle with the Dark Element.

"You want 800 horsepower in this Mercedes?!" Mr. Kenner was shocked. "Why do you need this much power?!"

"It's a story for another time, Mr. Kenner." Louis tried his best to explain. "But can you do it as soon as possible?"

"I'm afraid not, I don't even have parts that advance." Mr. Kenner said. "Louis this is too much man! Firstly, can't you see that I'm not an expert mechanic. 800 horsepower in your Mercedes requires a lot of parts that I don't have! And secondly, why do you want 800 horses for?! That's circuit racing speed!" The mechanic freaked out.

"Yeah Louis, it's time you told the truth."

Louis turned and saw Rachel. She had an angry and curious expression.

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