Ch.29: Welcome To The End Of Eras

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*sniffle* Sad to say... this is the last chapter. I promised myself I wouldn't cry... I just want to thank Melody and DCandMarvelLOVER2468 , for enjoying my story and writing comments that made my day. I also want to apologize for leaving it alone for so long. Writers block is a bitch. But! That's enough outta me. Onwards!

Reaper's magenta eyes shoot open, shooting up like a rocket. She notices that, not only are the twins gone, but so is her family. She curses loudly, standing up and stretching her wings open. Trying to peak into the future to see where they are, she doesn't see anything.

"What the-? I can't see!" She shouts, completely disoriented. She shakes her head, messy black locks swishing from the movement. Reaper calms herself, allowing her wings to fold behind her. Her house was on her private property so she didn't have to worry about onlookers. "Okay." She whispers, exhaling slowly. "I'm going to need help finding them." She racks her mind for possible candidates, coming to one solution. Who better to help her than the worlds greatest detective? She nods, opening a portal and entering, it closing behind her.


"Batman." Reaper announces when she exits the portal into the Batcave. Batman stops his training with Robin, turning to face her. Robin tries to sneak a hit in but Batman stops him, taking him down.

"What?" Batman snaps. Reaper sighs, expecting this sort of welcoming.

"I need your help. Please." She pleads, flying down to be in front of him. He narrows his eyes.

"I don't help killers." He growls, giving her the famous batglare. Batman goes to turn away from her but she latches onto his right bicep, stopping his actions.

"Please! I'm begging you! Someone took my family, I just need your help finding out where, that's all. Please, you've gotta help me here." Her Brooklyn accent becomes thicker with her desperation as she tries to persuade him.

"I'm not helping you." He snarls, pulling himself from her grip. Reaper glares at him.

"Not even for Jason?" She snaps, trying to use that as her last resort. Batman doesn't face her again. "If he dies, it'll be your fault again-" Batman spins around, backhand slapping her across the face.

"It will be yours! You turned him into a murderer, and like I've said before, I. Don't. Help. Killers." Batman growls, angrier than before. Reaper keeps her head turned from the direction she was struck.

"I forgot Joker is the only exception on your "letting killers die" rule." Reaper says quietly before leaving in a flash of white light. Batman gets a pained look but it leaves as immediately as it forms.

"Let's get back to training." He says gruffly to Robin. Damian looks back at his father in disbelief.

"You're going to let them die?" Batman doesn't reply and Damian grows angrier. "You're going to let Connor die???" He roars, worry for his boyfriend taking over. Batman still says nothing. Robin shakes his head in disappointment, disgust written on his features. "Sometimes I wonder who the real monster is, you, or Joker." He says before leaving the cave, leaving the bat all alone.


Reaper starts to feel hopeless. She might've taken a Criminal Justice class but she was no forensics scientist- that's it!

"Flash!" She gasps, teleporting to the fastest man alive.


She finds him working on something in his lab on the second floor at the CCPD (Central City Police Department). Reaper approaches the blond.

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