Ch.26: Everyone Has A Dark Side

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Based off of S02xE11&12: A Better World but mostly rewritten as my own. Onwards!

A screen shows a woman in skeletal armor, ink black wings sprouting from that armor, half a skull as a mask, black hair to match the wings, and purple eyes glittering with laughter as she throws her head back laughing at what the man next to her just said. This man had a red costume with a yellow lightening bolt in the middle of his chest and smaller ones on his ears. He's giving the woman a goofy grin from the memory of the funny story he just told the woman.

"What are you looking at Batman? Old videos when Flash was ali-who's that woman?" A woman with short black hair and blue eyes. She has silver star earrings and a full body red suit. This was the alternate universe Justice Lord member, Wonder Woman. Alternate Batman turns to face her and finds the rest of the team. Superman in a white and black suit. Martian Manhunter in attire with a high collar. John Stewart, or Green Lantern, in full green instead of green and black. Lastly, Hawkwoman with a more revealing outfit and shorter hair as well.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. This is an alternate universe.  This woman exists. As does a second Green Lantern, a Hawkman, a Cyborg, another Superman with lightning powers, and-"

"The Flash is still alive." Superman cuts Batman off, leaning closer to take a look making the human tense just a bit.

"And Luthor." Batman adds quietly. Superman snaps his head to him.

"Well, looks like we'll be having guests then." he comments, a sly smirk growing.


"No way! Kid Flash really slipped on a banana peel?" Flash howls with laughter as he nods.

"Y-yeah! And at super speed!" the two lean against each other and laugh like a pair of hyenas. They were in the tower and on the sofa. Reaper on the back of it while Flash sat on the cushions like a normal person.

"What's so funny?" Cyborg asks as he walks by with Green Lantern. GL walks over.

"They're just being crackheads." he comments, annoyed.

"Ah, come on Jordan! Come sit with us!" Reaper coos, laughing still. He gives her a glare.

"No. You two laughed at me."

"I'm pretty sure everyone one screams when they get hit with cold water." Flash reassures.

"Yeah, it gets rid of that problem you had!" Reaper adds. The speedster and death angel high five. Jordan flips them off before leaving with a huff. The two begin to laugh again. Suddenly, a portal opens and out pops a different looking J'onn. "WAH!" Reaper yelps in shock and falls off the back of the couch. Flash would have laughed if it wasn't for the fact of their visitor.

"Who are you!?" Flash exclaims, shocked. The rest of the League, including Batman who was there to run tests on the Watchtower, gathers near their new visitor. The visitor explains that he's from another dimension that needs their help. Batman, always suspicious, asks their Martian to read his mind but their Martian refuses since it would be "rude". Batman turns to Reaper, even though he was still mad at her for the last episode.

"Is he a threat?" he whispers to her. Reaper has a tense stance and narrowed eyes giving Batman his answer. They enter through the portal.


Immediately, Reaper elbows the visiting Martian in the face before he can phase out of the metal room. All are electrocuted, knocking them out. Except for Reaper who has the ability to control lightning, meaning the electricity has no effect on her. She phases through the box and finds the alternate team, her deep amethyst gaze glaring daggers at them, sharper than the scythe she conjured to her hands.

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