Ch.23: A Super Holiday

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Christmas might be late though... Onwards!

Camilla groans as she opens her eyes. Today was Christmas Eve. She goes to get out of bed but hisses at the pain in her lower back.

What the hell?

Flashes of last night sprinkle in her mind as she feels the arm around her waist tighten. She slowly turns her head to look down at the white and black haired male in her bed.

I need a beer.

She phases through the arm holding her down and quickly throws on some clothes, exiting her room and heading to the kitchen. She sees the others in the dining room, chatting and scraping at their bowls of cereal. She opens the fridge and finds it empty of booze.

Shit. Forgot to buy more.

She instead makes her a cup of coffee, black no sugar and downs it. It burns down her throat before settling in her empty stomach. She reenters the dining room and everyone pauses in their conversation, looking at her.

"Woah. Someone got lucky last night." Victor jokes with a wink. Camilla furrows her brows.

"What?" She croaks, throat abused. He points at her neck and her hair. She moves a hand to feel along her neck, feeling a lot of bumps on it and the feel of teeth marks as well. She runs her other hand through her tangled snarls.

"With who?" Garfield asks.

"Jason." Connor adds, face pale and tired looking, a haunted look in his azure eyes. Camilla looks at him curiously before her eyes widen.

"Sorry." she groans out, voice guttural and raspy.

"Morning." calls a sleepy deep voice. In enters a shirtless Jason clad only in boxers. When he walks by, everyone winces at the red claw marks all over his back. He gives a sleepy smirk at Camilla, bluish green eyes dancing with amusement. He is also rocking a messy sex head like his partner in crime.

"Good morning you lucky bastard." Victor calls back, jokingly. Raven gives a cat whistle at the two as Garfield looks horrified.

"Wait...does that make him our dad?" he asks suddenly. Camilla sends him a look.

"No. It was just too much sexual tension built and we released it... a few times." Camilla says, her healing abilities fixing the pain in her lower back and sore throat. Jason nods.

"Yeah. Besides, I could make do without these." he agrees, pointing at his back over his shoulder with a thumb. He grabs the milk gallon from the fridge and chugs from it.

"Dude! Get a glass at least!" Garfield complains. Camilla rolls her eyes before turning to the others once again.

"Did you all get your shopping done?" she asks. They all nod.

"Yeah, look at the tree." Connor replies.

She leaves and enters the den, seeing the giant Christmas tree they bought and decorated together a week prior. At the base of it, piles upon piles of wrapped gifts are laying there. She nods, smiling slightly.

As a young girl, her parents never celebrated Christmas since they were working a lot... or cheating on their significant other. Her father would have the maid take her Christmas shopping to buy whatever she wanted that year. She never got the chance to believe in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny or anything because her mother told her the truth about the "real" world. Her mother wasn't always like that, up until she was five, her mother was kind and loved her and sang to her and was an actual mother... but something changed and she never got to find out what.

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