Ch.9: Need A Friend? (Part 3)

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Camilla whistles to herself as she walks through a park near her house, well... Her shared house. The park is the scenic route home and sure, it's longer but hey, you try living in a house full of rambunctious teenagers. Speaking of, there's a group of teens being rowdy in the park today. Camilla sighs.

Just ignore them.

"What an ugly dog!" she hears a male voice say

"Yeah, like, why is it green? Talk about hideous." These claims make Camilla's eyes narrow in confusion as her brows furrow.

"Maybe it was an experiment gone wrong." another voice offers. Camilla had enough of this. How dare they says such nasty things about a creature that can't fight back?

"Or maybe you should leave the poor thing alone." Camilla growls. They whirl around and one steps up with confident.

"Oh yeah? What you gonna do about it?"

"I can call the cops on you for loitering...or I can be very violent and rip your molecule sized penis and shove it so far up your ass, that when you open that shit hole you call a mouth, people might be able to see it if they squint." all shut up.

"'re...uh, we should go." they begin to walk away speedily.

"Having your pants that low in prison means your ready for whoever is your daddy, if you know what I mean bitches!" Camilla calls after the group. Some pull their pants up while others just walk even faster. Camilla turns to see what they were making a fuss about and she sees a green lab puppy looking up at her in awe. She smiles down at it and squats. It backs up in fear.

"Hey..." she calls softly, holding her hand out to it. Her eyes blink when she sees a name in her mind. Garfield Mark "Gar" Logan. "Come'ere." she calls to him. He slowly walks over and he reaches her knees if she was standing. "Come on, you're coming home with me." she tells him as she pets him soothingly. His eyes widen. She grins and picks him up into her arms before continuing her journey home.


Camilla steps through her front door.

"Honey, I'm home!" she bellows out in a fake masculane voice. Cyborg walks into the dining room where the entrance is.

"About time-what's that?"

"A dog and he not that." Camilla replies. Cyborg stares at the dog.

"Why is it green?"

"You're rude. Go on buddy, explore your new home." Camilla sets down Garfield and he just looks up at her. She ignores him and continues her conversation with Cyborg. "You don't like when people ask you why you're half robot so don't ask about his color." Cyborg rolls his eyes as the dog looks at him with slight admiration. "And anot-do you smell something burning?" they pause and sniff the air, even Garfield.

"Starfire!" Cyborg and Camilla shout in unison as both run to the kitchen, trailed by Garfield.

"Hello, Camilla. Would you like to try one of the dishes that were made on my home, Tamaran?" Camilla blinks before shutting the stove off and using her speed to fan the room out.

"Woah! How did you do that???" they turn to see a green kid in a black and purple costume.

"Who the hell are you!?" Cyborg growls as he point his cannon at him, Starfire also gets in a defensive stance.

"Meet our next guest, Beast Boy, aka Garfield Logan." Garfield looks at Reaper in shock. He opens his mouth but Cyborg and Starfire cut him off by saying at the same time,

"Her powers. Leave it at that."  Garfield nods. Camilla transforms into her Reaper form.

"Wowzers! You're Reaper! I just saw you on the News in that tv store! You were amazing and-"

"As much as I like your flattering, I believe introductions are in order. This is-"

"Cyborg! He was on tv too! Dude, it's cool how you shot with your cannon and you're like another Robot Man 2.0!!!"

"Robot who?" Cyborg asks confused, although happy that he wasn't feared by the young kid before them. He smirks, maybe Reaper will stop calling me a kid with him around.

"And this is Starfire or Kory Anders. By the way, Cy is Victor Stone. Me, I'm Camilla Alvara." she then returns to normal.

"I'm Beast knew that....hehehe...oops." he chuckles nervously. Camilla smiles softly at him.

"You're thirteen, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Just call me Camilla, vegetarian?" he nods.

"Yes ma-uh Camilla. Yeah, I am." she smiles.

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind when I cook. Shall I show you to your room?" he nods and follows her up the stairs, to the first door on the left from the stairwell. "Here it is." it's a green door unlike Cyborg's blue door. It has dark green walls will light green tiger like stripes. The carpet is also a light shade of green. The bad is black with green comforters and pillow cases. Dark green curtains with light green leaf design covers the window.

"Woooowwww..." Garfield whispers in awe.

"Glad you like it. Breakfast is at eight, I work at nine, lunch at one, and dinner at seven. Also, stay away from the Brown door down the hall, the attic, and my room downstairs... The door is black and white. The basement or lab is Cyborg's but I will sometimes be in there or in the backyard garden. Anything else you have questions about, all you need to do is ask. Got it?" Garfield nods.

"Yeah, no sweat dude." Camilla smiles slightly.


"Speaking of lab," Cyborg cuts in as he steps in, "Starfire broke the training room." Camilla sighs.

"The training room is next to the lab, just behind the book case." Camilla informs Garfield. "For future reference." she looks back at Cyborg. "I'll take a peak, see if I can fix the damage done. Speaking of damage, get rid of her cooking, burn it if you have to. This is a very important mission. Garfield, Victor, can I trust you two with this task?" she asks, looking between them with a serious expression. Garfield raises his hand in a salute.

"You can count on me!" Cyborg rolls his eyes but smiles fondly and plays along by saluting as well.

"Me too." Camilla grins.

"Great. Move out soldiers! Hup, two, three, four. Hup, two, three, four!" they begin to march out the room and the boys head into the kitchen while Camilla heads to the basement.

Wasn't that cute? Two more parts before I move on. Carry on my wayward readers!

Always Crazy, (and sorry for any errors)




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