Ch.12: A Day Late And A Dollar Short

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Camilla serves the last dish.

"Okay, Bacon, eggs, and pancakes for Raven, Cyborg, Superboy, and Starfire. Heavy on the bacon for Cyborg. Then a simple coconut quinoa and lentil curry with lemon mango for Beast Boy."

(the pic above is Beast Boy's food. Yes, I actually had to look up food for vegetarians... *shiver* A lot of it was so gross... Bleh...)

"And done." she cheers as the last plate hits the table. She walks to the staircase. "Guys! Breakfast is ready!!!" Camilla barely has time to go intangible when Cyborg and Beast Boy come thundering down the stairs. Raven floats down next, a book open in her face.

"Morning." Raven greets simple.

"Morning. Sleep well?" Raven hums in confirmation before using her magic to feed herself, reading at the same time, once she's at the table. Superboy's lazy footsteps reach her ears and Camilla looks up to see him clambering down, rubbing his left eye and a big case of bad hair. Camilla chuckles to herself as he passes her. "Awww, did I wake you up?" she coos at him. He glares at her, obviously annoyed. She bops his nose with a wide grin on her face. "Good morning, cwanky pants! Who's a grumpy kitty this morning?" she continues, voice blubbering at him. He swats her hand away and takes a seat, digging into his food. Camilla counts them. "One," she points to Victor, "two," Garfield, "three," Raven, "and four." Superboy. She scratches her head. "Where's Starfire?"

The last pain in the ass...

"Glorious morning to you all!!!"

There she is.

"Its "good" morning star but your's was cuter so I'll let it slide." Camilla turns to the flying alien who's twirling in the air like a hummingbird. Camilla tilts her head before shrugging. "I'm surrounded by a bunch of crazies." she grumbles as she gets herself a beer from the new fridge. She leans in the doorway, watching the five eat and interact, all while drinking away from the glass bottle.

"Isn't it a little too early to be drinking?" Cyborg asks with a mouthful.

"Swallow before ya speak, bub. And it's never too early- I just acted like a motha didn't I?" Garfield laughs as everyone nods. Camilla sighs before downing another bottle, letting out a belch.

"Sexy." Victor mocks. Camilla winks.

"Just for you. Well, I have to go to work. Watch the kids while I'm gone, honey." she bends over to kiss Victor's metal cheek and pats his chest. "Don't shrink them though." she ruffles Garfield's hair as she passes his chair. He grins and they fist bump. "And Raven?"


"Try not to kill Gar when I'm gone." that brings a small lift to Raven's lips.

"No promises." Camilla chuckles.

"Hey!" Garfield protests. Starfire floats over the table to grab another stack of pancakes from the center of it. When she sits, Camilla pours a mountain of syrup on it for her.

"Thank you, friend Camilla!" Camilla nods.

"No problem. And don't cook anything okay star?" she nods, joyously chewing her pancakes. Camilla wraps her arms around Superboy's shoulders, her chin on his head. "See ya, pumpkin." she jokes before kissing the top of his head. He grumbles and she ruffles his hair as well before retreating to the front door. "I better come home to this house just as I left it." She growls with a small glare before walking out.

Superboy glares at the now shut door before running his hand through his hair as if wiping it, a small pink tint to his cheeks.

"Does she have to do that?" he grumbles. The rest shrug, Victor, who was there the longest, answers his question with a verbal response,

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