Ch.18: Becoming Red Hood (Part 2)

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Part 2! Vote for team name please!:

The Misfits



Or The Mavericks?


"Come on birdie! That the best you got?" Camilla calls as she ducks under another kick. She uses her palms to push the leg away, hitting Jason in his right ribs. He curses from the pain but spins then sends a fist in her direction. She catches it and twirls into his grip, elbowing him in the face.

"Shit!" he exclaims as he holds his nose. She faces him and goes to kick his face, he grabs her ankle with the hand he's not using to hold his aching nose. She smirks.

"Better." she comments but flips into the air, kicking him on the side of his face with her other foot. He goes to the ground. "But, never pause. Always look for the next move your opponent makes. Remember, a fight isn't over until one person is down. Whether they're dead or just unconscious." she critics. He groans from his place on the floor. He wobbles as he begins to stand up.

"L-let's go...again." he mutters weakly.

"Go where? The hospital?" Victor whispers to Garfield, the other teens are watching from the other side of the window that shows the training room. This way, they can view and learn. Garfield nods.

"Yeah. He can barely stand... What does he expect to do? Somehow beat her?"

"Not even with my strength could I beat her." Connor adds.

"I think she is stronger than anything out there." Kory says with awe.

"There is always someone out there that's better or stronger." Rachel inputs before walking away. Garfield glares at the back of her head.

"Why does she always have to be such a downer?"

"Relax man. She has a point."


"I said, take a break!" the shout brings their attention back to the fighters. Camilla glares at Jason. He glares back.

"I need to get stronger!"


"To make him pay!!!" Jason roars. Camilla sighs.

"You are not ready. You won't be ready and if you go now, he will kill you. Again." she states in a thick voice, raw in emotion that sounds like it's about to break with the anger bubbling beneath it.

"So? You can just bring me back to life again." Camilla grits her teeth in anger, clearly struggling to control it.

"It is not that simple."

"Why not?"

"Jason. You are poking at a sleeping tiger, I think it would be best if you put the stick down and back off."

"Maybe the tiger should wake her lazy ass up!"

"I cannot and will not risk your life. I brought you back once! Do not think I will do it again!" she snaps at him.

"And why not?"

"You want to know why?" he nods. "Fine. I used my blood to bring you back. That's right. A part of me is inside you. My blood is not a gift, is not a cure. My blood is a curse, a sin. If you have too much of it in you... It will ultimately damn you like it has to me." he gives her a look.

"Okay.... I feel violated now."

"Tch. It is not a game, Jason! You think I want to be like this? To have people take one look at me, to fear me, the thought of me??? You might want think that the superpower makes the hero... It doesn't. Because honestly, it's not the mask or the cape or the tights... It's the person beneath all that shit. I am no hero. I am no villain. I am an Angel Of Heroes. I find those that have sinned... And I punish them. Heroes and villains alike. There is a thin line between good and evil... I'm that line."

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