Ch.28: Bad Blood

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Camilla groans as yellow rays break through her eyelids.

"Time to get up, lazy bones!" she jumps at the unfamiliar voice. She jumps out of bed and turns a glare to a boy, about sixteen or seventeen, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that match hers perfectly. She snarls.

"Who the hell are you?" he rolls his eyes.

"Haha, funny. I'll be downstairs waiting so you can take me to school, sis." she squints as he exits then looks at her full body mirror.

"Sis?" she whispers. Her eyes flash purple as she pulls up Time windows to see what is going on. What she sees makes her eyes widen comically. The Flash, or Barry Allen, ran back in time to stop his mother's death which completely threw the timeline off. Bruce Wayne was killed instead of his parents, his dad became the Batman and his mother became the Joker. Superman's pod was found by the government and the baby kryptonian was locked away to be experimented on his entire life. Wonder Woman, or Diana since she never became the heroine, went into the ocean to make peace with Aquaman and his people only to sleep with the said man. When his wife found out, she attacked Diana who killed her attacker which then angered Aquaman. Currently the two had stirred up World War III and Earth was the battle ground. During this war, all other heroes were killed. The lanterns, the hawk couple, Supergirl, everyone. The only heroes left were Batman, Cyborg, and-her. Reaper.

"Camilla?" The teen calls up the stairs. She blinks and with a flash of white light, transforms into Reaper. She turns invisible and intangible, leaving her house. She didn't understand. Why could she remember? She looked through her life here and finds a sad irony. She was happy here.

Here, her parents never separated and died later from the same plane crash but they were kind to her. And her brothers. She had two older ones who were twins and one younger one. Dimitri and Pierce were the twins, though they were jerks since they treated Camilla and Calem like trash. She wasn't supposed to have powers in this version of her but she somehow ended up being the true her. Maybe it was because she couldn't be killed normally? Or maybe it's because she had to set time right but she felt like she wasn't the one that had to.

A vision fogs her mind and once she awakens from it, she now knows what she has to do. She has to find Barry. He's the one who has to fix this. He has to let Zoom kill his mother. She could tell that this world would only end with pain and suffering. Camilla's eyes narrow in determination. No matter what it took, she would fix this.


"Bartholomew Henry Allen." Reaper growls menacingly as she phases through the batcave wall. She finds Batman, Thomas Wayne, breaking Barry's fingers.

"Who the hell are you?" Batman growls.

"She's Reaper! Please, you have to believe me!" Reaper then notices something.

"Why aren't you healing?" Reaper asks the Flash. She then flaps down with her powerful ink black wings and removes Batman's hand from the blond's.

"Ah, thanks..." Barry whispers through gritted teeth. Her hand glows white as she places it over the broken digits before healing them. Once they are healed, Barry flexes his fingers. "Thanks aga-OW!" Reaper smacks him upside the head.

"You idiot! You just had to ruin the timeline, didn't you?" She then sighs, her violet eyes softening from anger into pity. "Well, your heart was in the right place, I'll give you that." She admits. He looks down sadly, his blue eyes haunted.

"I just wanted to save her." He whispers.

"I get that but there is a natural order to things. Your mother, had to die... as fucked up as that sounds." Reaper soothes. Barry nods, tears prickling in his blue eyes.

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