Ch.8: Need A Friend (Part 2)

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This is my own arc, no justice league members... But it's based off the whole DC verse..k? Onwards! (Fan art is welcome!)

Reaper takes in the winter wasteland before finding a hunk of metal that shouldn't be there. She flies over, her wings getting covered in snow. She grabs the door and pulls, yanking it off in a few tries. There she finds a sleeping, orange skinned girl with fiery red hair. She's in a revealing armor and has a package with her. The sleeping girl slowly opens her eyes and once she sees Reaper, her sleepiness fades away to anger and fear.

"Rukta ga loo! Shota rehck rushja!" she growls. Reaper holds her hands up in surrender.

"Hey, relax." she says using her normal voice to not frighten her even more. Starfire stares at her and Reaper backs up. She then pulls out a long parka and holds it out to Starfire. Said girl only eyes her suspiciously. "For warmth." Reaper tries to explain. "I'm just trying to help you, Red-" Reaper is yanked forward and into the alien's lips. Starfire holds her there for a few minutes before slowly pulling away.

"You wish not to harm me?" she asks. Reaper shakes her head.

"No. Take this so you don't die from the cold." Starfire hesitantly puts the parka on before relishing in the warmth. "See? I'm the good guy. Are you good on English or do you need me to teach you some?" Starfire thinks it over before pulling Reaper in for another kiss. "You done yet?" Reaper asks, regretting not wearing her mask.

"I can speak it fluently, although, I don't know what some things are. It would take too long and it seems this makes you uncomfortable." Reaper nods.

"It does. Don't get me wrong, you're very beautiful. I just... I'm 23 and you seem like you're-"

"I am nineteen in human years." Reaper raises a brow before shaking it off.

"You can stay with me until I figure what else to do with you. Is that okay?" Starfire slowly nods knowing she has no other place to go.

"Yes, that is appreciated." Reaper opens a white portal.

"Aliens first." she jokes. Starfire nods slightly before stepping through. Reaper hears a crash. "I swear, if that's my favorite vase..." she grabs the alien's bag from her pod and transports the pod to an extra space in her garage before entering the portal, it shutting behind her.


She comes upon Victor pointing his arm cannon at Starfire, her eyes glowing with her hands in a neon green fire.

"Woah! Chill out!" Starfire tilts her head as Cy's cannon turns back into his arm.

"Chill?" she asks.

"Calm down." Reaper corrects. Starfire nods.

"I will do this "chill" if he will."

"I'm guessing she's one of the other guests." Reaper shakes her head.

"No...well..sort of. I didn't count her because I didn't count on her coming. I didn't know I would get to her in time but I did. She'll be staying down here close to me since she's new to this planet." Reaper explains. Cyborg sighs.

"Another alien. Great." he groans sarcastically. "I'll be in the garage." he walks into the kitchen which has a door that leads to the garage.

"Her name is Starfire!" Reaper calls just as the door shuts.

"He is not fond of me?"

"He doesn't like unknown aliens." Reaper explains. "His name is Cyborg." she nods. "He prefers to be called Victor in here though, when no one else is around."

"How did you know my name?" she asks suddenly.

"My powers. That's all I'm going to say. Let's get your things in your room and everything else set up for you. Follow me." Reaper changes into her human form once again and Starfire eyes her in awe. She leads the alien to the room directly across from hers.

"This room is yours and that one's mine." Camilla explains while pointing at each one in turn. Starfire nods and opens her door to show a blank room. "I didn't know you would be joining us so I'll paint it later but you have a bed and other basic room stuff. Here." she hands her the bag. Starfire takes it. "My name is Camilla in here and away from people we don't know." Starfire nods.

"Why do you have two names?" She nods.


"Yeesh, that's a mouthful. How about Kory for short? Your human name will be Kory Anders." "Kory" nods.

"I like it. Thank you."

"Its just a name."

"No, for everything. For bringing me from my pod, letting me learn English, giving me a new home, and giving me a name." Camilla smiles at her.

"Relax. It's what friends do, Kory." they smile at each other before both stomachs growl. "Come on, I'm starving." Starfire follows her.


"I thought you could keep up, Astroboy?" Reaper mocks. Cyborg rolls his eyes before shooting at her once more but she dodges...again. "Are you even trying?"

"Stop," blast. Miss. "Moving!"

"Come on, at least make this a cha-" Reaper stops moving suddenly and stares with wide eyes. Cyborg, who was already sending a blast at her from his cannon, gets a hit right in her face.

"Booyah! Who's the loser no-waah!" He does a victory dance before he spun around to finish it off only to stop and stare at a very naked Starfire. His hands fly up to his face. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" He shouts, the human half of his face, pure red.

"What? Why are you shouting?" She asks in confusion.

"STARFIRE PUT ON SOME CLOTHES DAMNIT!!!" Reaper shouts as well, getting up with a bloody nose...from Cyborg's blast of course... Not because of the exotic looking alien.

(New ship, Luna? If so, hah! Have fun choosing which one you like best!)

"I don't see the problem." Starfire replies. Reaper glares at her.

"You can't walk around naked in a house with a guy... Or a girl or anyone!!! I mean, unless you're involved with one of them... But none of us are! Don't you realize how much trouble you could get me in?" Starfire looks down in shame.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know...please don't punish me!" she wails as she grabs onto Reaper making her blush slightly and Cyborg widens his eyes at the scene before quickly placing his hands over his face again.

"I'm not mad... I just... Put some clothes on."

"O-okay." Starfire releases her grip on Reaper and walks away dejectedly.

"Kory," Reaper calls. "You're not in trouble. You didn't do anything bad, I don't know any better and I shouldn't have reacted that way. I'm sorry." Starfire flies over, still naked, and kisses Reaper on the lips briefly. "You already know English so what was that about?"

"It was a thank you."


"I'll go put some clothes on then." she leaves the room, leaving a very flabbergasted Reaper and an amused Cyborg.

"Well, this is going to be interesting." he chuckles. Reaper snaps out of her shock and glares at him.

"Oh, shut it."

Yay Starfire was added to the home for homeless heroes!!! Carry on my wayward readers!

Always Crazy, (and sorry for any errors)




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