Ch.5: War (Part 2)

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Reaper takes in the scene around her.

Heroes... Her companions are on the ground, probably bleeding to their death.

She stands before them, barely able to stand. Batman is on the ground next to her, clutching the wound in his stomach. She can barely see out of her right eye that has blood flowing over it like a waterfall. Her bottom lip is busted and bleeding as well. Her wings, the feathers tattered but all still there since they're as sturdy as her armor. She glares at the giant before them, laughing at their pain.

"Did you honestly think you could beat me?" the Flash is hanging from a building upside down, his legs impaled by stray metal and the reason he's hanging.

"It's not over... I'm... Still standing." Reaper mutters, her voice just above a whisper but clear since she lost her echo effect which concealed her true voice.

"Barely." the man replies.

"I might die... But there are more heroes! Thousands! If we don't defeat you, they will!" she growls at him. He gives her a booming laugh as a reply but suddenly, he's blasted by a bluish white light. It sends him flying and Reaper snaps her head to the right to see a tall, hooded figure...

"Who are you?" she asks.

"I called a friend!" Captain Marvel speaks as he slowly stands up, with a wince. Reaper looks at him and smiles slightly.

"That'll only keep him down another thirty the most." the mystery figure says, voice male. Reaper nods.

"I've been saving my strongest attack for a last resort... I'll need two favors from you two..."

"Anything." Captain Marvel says.

"First; provide a distraction so I can get it ready," they nod.

"And the second?" the mystery figure asks.

"Hide my body." is all she says before a roar of anger is heard. They nod at each other. "I just need five minutes now go!" she shouts to them before running off. Mystery man and Captain Marvel face off against Darkseid and hold out as long as they can.

"Forgot to tell them to cover their ears... Oh well." Reaper sucks in a large intake of breath and her body begins to vibrate as her eyes glow magenta. She keeps inhaling until she leaps off the ground and flies to the front of Darkseid's face and then....


Comes a wail that explodes his face and makes the heroes that haven't passed out cover their ears while clenching their teeth. The two heroes who aided her fall to the ground as the sound goes on. When it stops, Reaper looks at Darkseid's exploded head on his still twitching body.

"Death...will kind to... You..." she stammers weakly as her scythe glows blue before ripping through the body, sending it to downstairs. Her scythe disappears, as does her wings and armor. Her hair becomes purple, her eyes blue before they slowly shut and she falls from the sky. Captain Marvel looks up just in time to see her and flies up to catch her. He holds her bridal style as she weakly opens her eyes halfway.
She smiles sleepily at him.

"If....ask where... White portal..." She mumbles before her eyes shut once again. Captain Marvel smiles softly at her before ripping her clothes until they're in shreds.

"Sorry..." he whispers as he begins to burn her and cut her, wincing as she groans and cries from the pain. "Have to make it believable... Sorry." Her body glows white for a second and the other heroes glow with her and begin to heal...once done, they all stop glowing as does she.

Every hero groans as their eyes open, Flash was now safely on the ground.

"Ugh...anyone catch the bus that hit me?" Flash asks. Batman, who secretly saw the whole thing, stands up and the heroes gather together.

"What happened?" Hawkman asks, unsure and untrusting of the group.

"Reaper defeated Darkseid." Captain Marvel explains making them look to him. They quickly take notice of the battered woman in his arms. "She disappeared in a white portal and I found this civilian trapped under the rubble over there." he explains before pointing in a random direction. They nod.

"We should get her some medical attention." Jordan looks down at his right arm which was supposed to be broken.

"Speaking of... What happened to us? I mean, we look like we didn't just face that thing." he flexes his fingers and rotates his arm.

"I think Reaper healed you before she went..." that directs the attention to the mystery man.
"Who are you?" Hawkwoman asks.

"Oh, he's my friend, Cy-"

"I'd rather not say. I should go." he says quickly before walking away. Superman squints his eyes at him before calling,

"You don't have to be ashamed!" the mystery man pauses stiffly. "I'm an alien... So is he," Superman points to J'onn.

"So are we." Hawkwoman adds, pointing to herself and her husband.

"I can break the sound barrier in my sleep." Barry boasts.

"We have rings that were given to us by aliens..." Jordan adds as well.

"I have phenomenal cosmic powers that were given to me by a wizard." Captain Marvel admits with a shrug.

"I do not know why we are listing what we are...but... I am a warrior born with power from Hera." Wonder Woman admits, confused. They all turn to Batman.

"I'm a man with issues... Lots of issues."

"What about Reaper?" the mystery man asks after a pause. Everyone shrugs.

"No one knows what she is." Flash admits with an embarrassed smile.

" I'm sorry." the girl whimpers bringing attention back to her.

"I'll get her to a hospital." Captain Marvel says before flying off.

"Spread out and look for more civilians." Batman orders and the others nod, taking off to search. Mystery joins as well.


The heroes gathered once again.

"Anyone?" Batman asks. Everyone shakes their head.

"I found some pets left behind, I guess everyone that was running away got away safely." Flash says. Batman nods.

"What did I miss?" they turn to see Reaper leaning against Captain Marvel for support.

"Man, it's good to hear your creepy voice!" Jordan calls jokingly. She chuckles softly.

"Sorry I couldn't fix the tears in your suits along with your wounds." she replies.

"So it was you." Hawkwoman states. Reaper nods.

"I can fix them now if you want?" everyone shakes their head.

"You just went through a great battle and won, sister. Please, rest." Wonder Woman replies as she lays a gentle hand on Reaper's shoulder. Reaper nods.

"I guess you're right. If you need me, here." she takes seven feather from her wings and gives them to Hawkwoman, Hawkman, J'onn, Stewart, Jordan, Mystery man, and Wonder Woman. "The rest of you have one. Kiss those and I will come to your aid."

"I'm not kissing a feather!" Hawkman growls. Reaper rolls her eyes.

"I wash them after every battle. Captain Marvel helped me. But suit yourself tough guy."

"Um..." Every one turns to mystery. "I'm a Cyborg." he says as he rips off his hoodie. Reaper smiles.

"Nice to meet you, Cy. I will leave to rest... See you all soon." she opens a white portal behind her, steps in, and disappears.

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