Ch. 21: Behind An Angel's Wings

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This might be just one chapter... Maybe...


Garfield stares around the room in horror. What could cause such destruction?

"Garfield!" he jumps with a scream and turns around to see his fellow teen housemates. Raven being the one who whispered his name loudly.

"We're not supposed to be in here, man!" Victor hisses, looking back into the hallway to make sure Camilla wasn't coming. Garfield pouts.

"Come on, dude. Aren't you curious to what she keeps in here?" Victor shakes his head.

"No way. Knowing her, it's some Fifty Shades of Grey junk." He then notices the mess of the room. "Or Beauty and the Beast." he adds.

"Woah! Is that a baby Camilla?" Garfield asks, picking up a picture. The others, ignoring the danger of being found out and giving into their urge to solve the mystery that is Camilla Alvara, walk over to Garfield and hover behind him to peak over his shoulder at the picture. Indeed it is what looks like an infant Camilla being held by a maid that stands between a man and a woman. The man is tall, muscular, and stern looking. He has brown hair and golden brown eyes. The woman is very beautiful, her curves, luscious and round. She has blonde locks, practically gold with the brightest of blue eyes... The same eyes Camilla has. The only thing that ruins the woman's face is the fact she has what looks like a permanent frown on her face, her eyes are also different from Camilla's seeing as they have some sort of deep hatred in them, so visible even in a photograph.

"So that's where she gets her looks from." Jason comments, ogling the woman.

"Too bad her personality didn't match." calls a voice that makes everyone freeze. They slowly turn to see Camilla, standing there, her body rigid but a slight hesitance to it as she looks around the room in hatred. Hatred not as deep as her mother's. Her eyes then land on them once again. "What are you doing in here?" she commands.

"It was their idea! I told them not to go in but they wouldn't listen to me!" Garfield shouts, pointing at the others.

"You little-" Connor starts to say but is cut off by Camilla.

"Why!? I told you not to come in here! That was the only thing I asked in return from you staying here!"

"Well... We wouldn't have if you would stop keeping secrets all the time." Raven comments, being the only one brave enough to say a word. Camilla glares at her.

"That's rich, coming from you." Camilla calls making the young girl flinch. "Fine." Camilla continues. "You guys want to know why I'm so fucked up?" She hisses at them. Jason smirks at her obvious anger.

He does love to annoy her.

"I certainly do." he responds mockingly. She glares at him.

"How about I show you?" she offers darkly, creating a white portal. All six teens step through the portal, Camilla last.


"I remember when you did this. Is this when you got your powers?" Garfield asks. Camilla shakes her head, silently looking forward. Everyone turns to see what she's observing. What they see is a little girl with dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and wearing a pink frilly designer dress. She was playing with some Barbie dolls and a pink mansion, talking for them with a smile on her face.

"Good morning, Barbie!" she calls in a cute fake deep voice as she wiggles a Ken doll around.

"Why, good morning to you too, Ken. Isn't it a beautiful day!" she calls back in her normal voice. She goes to speak again, but a woman enters the bedroom.

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