Ch.19: Becoming Red Hood (Part 3)

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Part 3 and the team name is The Misfits. Onwards!

"How do I look?" Camilla looks up from her computer that she is currently ordering new clothes for the teens from. Once her blue eyes land on the spandex of his suit, metal Kevlar attached to it on the inside for protection, wrapped in a brown leather jacket, gun holsters strapped around his thighs, a red helmet over his head. Her eyebrows shoot up.

"Uh... Great." she replies after looking like a mannequin. She looks at his metal boots that she knows has knives at the toes if a button is pushed. Her personal add on. She also made a certain knife for him. He pulls the helmet off and smirks at her, revealing a red domino mask.

"I know, I'm hot." she rolls her eyes.

"Put the stupid helmet back on and lets go."

"You're the one who made it." Camilla glowers at him.

"Let's just go." She grumbles. He salutes her and they walk out of the door, the first outing of Red Hood and Reaper.

(RedReaper? ReapHood? Danger Duo?)


"Hurry before the Bat shows!" one thug says to the other. The other throws the bag of jewels into a white van. There a "thump" sound on the roof of the van and the two look up.

"It's not the Bat you have to worry about." The red masked vigilante threatens. The two thugs eye the guns in the holsters in fear. "There's two of you, want in Reaper?" the thugs' eyes widen even more.

"Nah, knock yourself out." comes the bone chilling reply in the frightful voice. He shrugs as the thugs look all around the area, in search of Reaper.

"Alright." he jumps off with a flip, kicks the one on the left in the head, sending him crashing into a brick wall, out cold. The other he elbows in the face, then punches in the stomach causing him to hunch over and Red Hood knees him in the face. The thug falls backwards and hits the ground, unconscious.

"Twenty seconds. Unless you subtract the talking, it's nine." comes a new voice. Red Hood looks to the right to see Nightwing walking out of the shadows. "Impressive." Red Hood snaps a gun out and points it at him. Nightwing holds up his hands.

"Woah! Relax, I'm the good guy."

"Red Hood. Enough." Nightwing looks relieved.

"Reaper. I'm so glad to see you." Reaper appears beside Red Hood.

"I can't say I feel the same. Let's go." She replies before flapping her wings and hovering above the ground. Red Hood nods and somersaults over the van but not before leaving a card. Nightwing picks it up.

"Let the punishment fit the crime." Nightwing reads aloud. He looks to where the two disappeared before disappearing himself.


"Seriously?" Red Hood grumbles as he dodges another bullet that a gang member is shooting at him. There's at least ten of them left from the mob he took out. "Its like a fucking Hydra, take one head out-" a knife swipe almost gets his jacket before he takes him out, "another two grow." he finishes.

"Need help?" Reaper calls nonchalantly from the roof of a mobster's car. Red Hood shakes his head, the helmet swishing from side to side.

"No, I got this." He calls back. Reaper nods, swinging her legs boredly. He goes after the ring leader, the last one, and shoots him in the head. Pretty much doing what he did to the others. "Well, one less gang to terrorize Gotham." Reaper hops down and surveys his work. The bodies glow white, then black as it the light seeps through the ground. She senses another soul nearby.

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