Ch.16: Gotham's Annual Gala (Part 2)

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I am such a dork! I totally forgot that Jensen Ackles plays Red Hood in the animated movie, Batman: Under The Red Hood... Ugh... Anyways, watch the video as reference unless you know what salsa dancing looks like then you're good. Just pretend that Camilla and Jason are the people dancing... Okay? The song is Solo por un beso by Aventura. I think it roughly translates to Only For A Kiss or Just For A Kiss... My Spanish is rusty. I listen to Spanish music and can speak it but I'm not good at writing, spelling, or translating it. *sigh* It sucks. Onwards!

Camilla smirks upon seeing Bruce. She makes her way up the stairs to stand beside him at the balcony that overlooks the party goers.

"Evening, Mr Wayne." Camilla greets. He turns to her and his eyes lighten in approval as he looks her over.

"Ah, Miss Alvara, changed your hair I see. Looks good and I'm glad you could make it." She nods and eyes his navy blue tux.

"Great color...although I would've went with something lighter to match your eyes." she compliments. He tilts his head.

"Really? I'm not one for fashion but I'll have to look into that. Did you come alone?"

"I brought my wards." he raises a brow.

"Didn't take you for a person that's great with children."

"Children? No. Teens? Sort of. They're at the buffet table." Bruce looks over to find the group of misfits.

"I see." He narrows his eyes slightly before going back to his playboy smile. "What's their story?" Camilla grins.

"The two red heads, Kory and Garfield, are my niece and nephew. The tallest one, Victor, is the son of an ex employee...he recently passed away. The brooding one is the son of a childhood friend of mine. And lastly, the young girl with black hair I recently took off the streets. She refuses to tell me about her past though so I'm afraid I can't give you anymore on'er." Bruce nods, taking in the information and storing it for later digging.

"That was admirable of you." she raises a brow, then gives a laugh before looking back among the attendants.

"Says the one who recently took in a third ward."

"Yes, but you have five."

He won't tell me anything on him, eh? That's fine. I already know.

"So, am I lucky enough to ask for a dance?" He asks but just as Camilla goes to take the hand, a blonde woman shoves her out of the way. She takes Bruce's offered hand.

"Brucie!" she calls, her shrill voice ringing in the air. "I'll take that dance."

"Lydia!" he exclaims, surprised.

( The_BlackParade, sorry, I had to! 😋)

"Let's dance!" she cheers before dragging him off after sending Camilla a nasty look. Camilla scoffs with the roll of her eyes.

"His loss." she turns around to find Jason. He's wearing a red shirt beneath a black leather jacket with some blue ripped jeans and on his feet are black motorcycle boots.

"Just might be your gain." she replies. He raises a brow.

"Might?" she nods.

"If you can salsa." he smirks.

"You bet." He leads her to a less crowded area on the dance floor and they get in position. Suddenly, Spanish music begins to play like Camilla had predicted and most people leave except for Camilla and Jason, Bruce and Lydia, and few others.

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