Ch.4: War

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"Who we gonna call?" Flash asks suddenly making everyone look at each other as if they barely realized this problem.

(must resist urge to be punny... But you guys are free to!)

"I could call-"

"No." everyone but Reaper, Hawkgirl, and Wonder Woman say to cut off Superman.

"Supergirl could help!" He replies. Reaper nods, now understanding what is going on.

"We don't need a hormonal teenager with anger issues and powers to do something about those anger issues help. She would only make things worse with her non-existent control over her emotions and powers. She also has the attention span of a squirrel." Reaper adds making a few chuckle...okay, the Flash and GL busted out into laughter while Green Lantern gave a small snort of amusement. Superman gives them a look before turning back to Reaper.

"Don't talk about my cousin that way." he tells her. She raises a brow before shaking her head.

"I didn't mean anything by it. She's like that now but I admit that I see potential in her. She just needs the right mentor." Superman deflates at that comment. "Uh, I Anyone else we can call?"

"I don't want KF near any of this so I'm out." Flash admits.

"My husband." Hawkgirl puts in.

"So Hakwgirl has a-"

"It's Hawkwoman." she interrupts GL. He looks at her in surprise.

"Right. Sorry. Where is your husband?"

"Here." comes a gruff voice from the sky before a man lands. He's built, and it shows. He's shirtless, is wearing green tights, and combat boots. He also has Brown wings like his "wife". Same type of mask as well. His wife has a yellow shirt with green tights and some combat boots as well. He has a mace like Hawkwoman does.

"Anyone else married and their husband or wife is going to pop out of the sky too?"

"Hello!" comes a cheerful man's voice. He lands next to Reaper. She looks at him with a blank look. He's dressed in red with a white lightning bolt outlined with gold in the center of his chest with a matching whit cape also outlined with gold. He's also sporting some white boots. His black hair is done in a slick do and his blue eyes glance around with a child-like wonder. When his eyes land on Reaper, however, he grabs her in a giant bear hug which lifts her off the ground. "Hiya Reaper! Long time no see!" Reaper immediately phases out of his grip and flies to stand beside Batman.

"Yes it has. Now don't touch me like that again, you baboon." she growls back. The man smiles good naturedly and winks at her.

"Awww, don't be shy! You know you love me!" He does stay away from Batman though.

"Yes. I would LOVE to strangle you, Shazam." he chuckles goofily.

"Who's this, your boyfriend?" Flash teases.

"He most certainly is not!" Reaper shouts. I'm not a pedophile. She grumbles in her head.

"Yeah, she's my friend. We teamed up once and I saw her on the news so I came here." He explains with a dopey smile. Reaper rolls her eyes.

"As much as it annoys me to see do have good timing. We could use your he-assistance." she blanches. He grins.

"Okay! I'm in."

"Anyone else?" GL asks. Reaper shrugs. Suddenly, there's a collision and they turn to see a crater with smoke emerging. Red eyes flint behind the smoke and out walks a giant purple-ish man in alien like armor. Reaper and the others stare at it in horror.

"Darkseid..." Reaper murmurs.

"Woah... You guys really do need help." Shazam inputs. "Reaper, it's Captain Marvel now by the way." he adds. Reaper shakes her head.

"Now is not the time, Batson." she hisses.

"So...this is Earth's mightiest heroes?" comes a deep and bone chilling voice. "Pathetic. You're mere ants." he lifts his foot and the lanterns provide a green dome to protect them.

"Anyone have a plan, say it fast because..." Stewart starts with clenched teeth.

"We can't hold this for-forever." Jordan finishes, struggling as well.

"I got one, go for the eyes!" Reaper growls as she flies through the forcefield, gripping her scythe.

"Did she say eyes or thighs?" Captain Marvel asks.

"Eyes. But surely sister isn't that cruel or dishonorable?" they hear a deep cry of agony as Reaper rips into Darkseid's right eye with her scythe. She pulls her scythe out after digging into the socket and goes for the other only to be blasted back by a giant red beam from the left eye. She goes careening back and crashes through a few buildings, disappearing.

"And that's why we go for the eyes." Hawkman comments. He flies up next and goes to finish what his comrade started only to be given the same treatment.

"No!" Hawkwoman shouts before flying at Darkseid's face with a growl of fury. She's swatted away.

"You got a boyfriend?" Captain Marvel asks Wonder Woman. She stares at him in confusion.

"No?" he nods.

"Cool. Watch this." he flies up and goes to cast a spell but he too, is swatted away. Jordan points his ring at the goliath only to have his arm grabbed and crushed, completely breaking it and making it useless. Stewart is next but he too, is taken out of battle. Superman does a eye ray battle with him only to lose because even with one eye, Darkseid is stronger. Wonder Woman tries to slice his final eye but that fails when he grabs her and flings her across the sky. All that is left is Batman.

"You got anything in that utility belt to stop giant, rampaging, purple smurfs?" Reaper asks from beside him. Her costume is perfectly fine, except dirtied and stained with her blood as is her face. Her mask is off, probably broken.

(her costume is made up of the bones of past Reapers so it's incredibly sturdy. Creepy? Yes. But hey, she doesn't ever have to make a new one. Don't worry, the mask isn't bone, just painted metal.)

"Not exactly." he replies. Reaper smiles weakly at him.

"I was afraid you would say that. Do you at least have a plan?" she questions. He shakes his head. She groans. "Oh-fucking-kay, we'll just have to improvise then."

Carry on my wayward readers!

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