Picture 19: Bruises and Goodbyes

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Luhan sighed as Sehun pulled away, a string of saliva connected their lips. 

"I'll see you after class okay?"

Luhan nodded.

"Straight to your dorm, no side adventures."

Luhan rolled his eyes, "Yes mom."

Sehun scoffed, "Well excuse me for caring for my boyfriend."

Luhan laughed and placed a playful kiss on the taller's nose. He bounded away, waving as Sehun stared at him in awe.

Luhan was more confident now. After the little fall out with Sehun, their relationship seemed to grow stronger. There was more trust, more passion and Luhan loved it.

Sehun started out to be so rude. He wouldn't talk to Luhan, seemed disinterested when ever their small group of friends hung out. He was also known to be rude to his fellow classmates.

Kids tended to stay out of Sehun's way. A couple of girls were brave enough to show their interest but were harshly shut down.

That Sehun was nowhere to be seen now. He was kind, gentle and still quiet but he knew how to treat others.

He understood others and judged less.

He also treated Luhan like he was the only one in the world. When he wasn't initiating skin ship with Luhan, he was staring at the smaller male. Taking in the beauty in front of him.

Luhan would do the same. Countless times was he caught staring at his taller boyfriend. Sehun would always tease him and coo at him until he turned bright red.

Luhan sighed. He loved his relationship with Sehun.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard something clatter from the dark space between buildings.

Luhan froze, turning to catch sight of who or what was in the dark alley.

"Hello there, little twink."

Luhan took a step back.

The familiar blonde haired girl stepped into view, her mouth chewing gum quite obnoxiously. She looked exactly like one of those bad girl cliches ripped straight from the pages of a book.

"So you're Sehun's new playtoy, oddly quiet I say."

She stepped closer, the zippers on her jacket clinking against each other, "I wonder how long you'll last. Probably another two weeks, maybe three if you're good."

Luhan tilted his head, confused on what she was saying.

Juni scoffed, "What are you? Five? Good?! As in, good in bed." She purred, stepping closer.

Luhan's pale face flushed pink, getting another loud laugh from Juni, "You can't be that innocent."

What happened next, happened in a blink of an eye.

One second, Luhan was standing in front of Juni, the next, she had him pinned to the wall, her elbow digging into his neck as he struggled against her.

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