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(Angel's POV)

I pulled out of my sleep when I heard a loud noise coming from upstairs. I slowly moved myself further back into the corner of the cage that I had lived in for the past 8 years.

The cage was big enough to stand in, walk around in, and lay in. The only time I got to leave was to go to the bathroom, shower, eat or when the rogue Alpha wanted to have his fun with me.

When he has his fun with me, it involves being tortured not just physically, but mentally also. I was lost in thought for so long that I didn't even realize that the noise from upstairs was getting closer to the cold dark basement were my cage was located.

All I could hear were growls rippling through the air like firecrackers. I never liked loud noises, just as much as yelling and screaming, especially if it was towards me. It was hard to listen to everything that was going on around me.

The energy in my body was slowly leaving me as I tried to move into a more secure position in the corner of my cage. Suddenly the basement door flung open loudly and I flinched at the sound automatically.

Two large men that I have never seen before came running down the steps. I could tell that they were looking for somebody or something. The only way they would notice me in this cage, was if they looked inside to the very back corner where I was hiding.

I heard a small cry come from the cage across from me. My cage had solid walls not bars so I could only see out the front of my cage. The cry coming from the cage sounded like a women. I remembered that she had been locked down here in the basement about two days ago.

These people must know her and are here to save her. I only wished that I could get out of this hellhole. Then I heard talking coming from them.

"Rose it's your brother Talon. I'm here with Luca to get you out of here," said the man named Talon as he opened up her cage.

The women threw her arms around Talon who seemed to be her brother. She then pulled back and looked at the other man walking towards them, who must be Luca.

"Luca!" Rose cried out before running into his arms. For some reason this all made me cry softly to myself. I was never going to leave here. I would forever be a slave to the rogue Alpha of this horrible pack.

"Is anybody else still alive in here?" Talon asked. Did he hear me crying? Does that mean I'm going to get out of here alive? The footsteps stopped in front of my cage door and I noticed someone kneel down in front of it.

The door squeaked as he opened it so he could look all the way in. I could see him from the light that came through one of the windows up top, but it was still hard to make out his features.

"I'm Talon. Can you tell me what your name is?" he asked in a gentle tone.

"Angel," was all I managed to say. Talon crept inside the cage slowly, trying not to scare me.

"How long have you been here?" I held up 8 small fingers at him not trusting my voice. Talon's face filled with shock and his eyes widen as he looked at my hand.

Lupus Heart | Wolf Duology Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now