Chapter 28

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Demi's POV

I suddenly wake up. Something feels off. The bed feels too empty. I open my eyes and don't see Lexi. The door is open which is odd. Where the fuck is she? I think as I get up taking the covers off me. I walk towards the door and I hear soft cries that soon turn into sobs. I know those sobs all too well. The most heart breaking sobs I have ever heard. The kind that literally tears your heart apart. Lexi's sobs. I open the door quickly too see her sobbing against a t shirt wearing a sweatshirt and holding what seems to be a ring.

I instantly move fastly towards her and I carefully lay behind her wrapping my arms around her shaky waist. Normally she would calm down by the simple fact that I was here but not this time. Her sobs kept coming could and clear. "Shhh baby." I whisper holding her as close as I possibly could with her shaking. It's almost like her body was subconsciously pulling away from me but I held onto her like my life depended on it. "I killed her Demz." I whispers in between sobs making me feel worst for her. "No you didn't." I say calmly as I stroke her soft beautiful hair as an attempt to calm her down. "You don't know that." She says starting to sob again.

This situation feels like someone is ripping my heart out and feeding it to me but I have to stay strong. How ironic right using that phrase to for yet another thing that tears me apart. "It's not your fault." I reassure her. I try my best to make her feel better but nothing seems to be working. "It was my idea to surprise her." She pauses as another sob escapes her body. "I killed my own sister." Again that hit home. All I can do is hold her. She turns around and her head rests on my chest as the tears flow.

Slowly she calms down. I decided I should make it clear to her that this is not her fault. I try to make her look at me but she fights me by looking down. "Look at me." I say placing my hand on her chin. What is she so afraid of? "Look at me." I say firmly but in a loving manner. She slowly lifts her glance and looks into my eyes. I feel like crying myself as I see all the pain in her eyes. All the guilt. But the most amazing part is how it seems to sort of vanish after a while. I am well aware that there are demons in her head and I hope she believes me over them. "It is not your fault. I don't care what they are telling you. I'm telling you that it's not your fault. You can't keep blaming yourself for something that was an accident, a fatality. Remember when I hit your chin when I first met you?" I ask smiling remembering the day that I met the person who I had no idea would change my life.

She nods. "Remember what you told me when I felt guilty?" She nods again. "You said. 'I can't believe you're actually feeling guilty about an accident.' don't feel guilty Lexi. I know it's hard to let go and accept that it's no ones fault but it's true." I say remembering as if it was today. That was the first time someone had been as caring as she was on the first day that I met them. This made her nod and bury her face into the crook of my neck. "I just wish that she was still here." She says her voice cracking. "I know you do. So do I because I'm sure I would have loved her." I say thinking about what she must have looked like. "Yeah how do you know that?" She says smiling that smile that I could kill for. "If she was anything like you are I know I would love her."

I watch as her face fills with emotions. "I don't think I could live without you anymore." She says with a smirk that is to die for. I feel my heart explode with happiness. "Well then I guess it's a good thing that I can't live without you either." I say kissing the crown of her head. "Maybe I could take you to my old school tomorow even though you might need to be wearing a hoodie and sunglasses so that you don't get mobbed by little kids." she says after a while of silence laughing making me chuckle. "I would love that." I say truly wanting to know every side of her. "Come on let's leave this room to damn depressing." She says trying to make a joe out of something that I could tell was serious to her. We both stand up and we go directly towards her room.

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