Chapter 30

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Abigail's POV

I wake up as my breath gets knocked out of me and a sudden pain erupts from my chest quickly expanding throughout my whole body. I know only one thing that could signal.

"ISAAC!" I scream and throw myself against the walls of the box. I turn, fangs erupting in my mouth and claws pushing their way up on my fingers. I kick out with so much ferocity that a huge split goes down one of the boards. I kick again, this time harder and the door falls down with a loud clang.
I step out of the box and see that I am in the back of a parked semi truck. I run to the edge where the doors are and push on them. Already open I push them the rest of the way and hop down from the truck. I take off in a sprint away from where I was. I go in the direction that pulls me towards my brothers pain.

Isaac's POV

I cough up blood and spit it in Deucalion's face. He takes his other hand and claws me across the face and sinks his hand deeper within me. I wince as more blood comes up. This time letting it fall down my chin.

"You can still change your mind young Isaac. I have your heart in my hand. I can destroy it or I can let you down to heal. Your. Choice." He says giving my heart a squeeze. This time i scream in agony. I open my eyes again panting hard and put them dead on with his blind ones.

"Who kills a man who can't defend himself other than with words?" I spit in his face. He looks taken aback.

"You want a level playing field?" I nod. In one swift movement he slashes the restraints, allowing me to fall to my knees. I wobble a bit as I stand up. And stand eye to eye with him. Mine glowing a bright yellow his glowing a deep red behind his glasses. I roar and lunge at him. Ignoring the hole in my chest. Ignoring the feeling that I'm going to pass out. I fight him taking blow after blow. I'm thrown against a wall and my back cracks. I yell in pain. Lying motionless on the floor. I struggle to get up when Deucalion knocks me back down.

"I told you Isaac. Join or die."

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