Chapter 44: Him

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Months had gone by and we hadn't seen any sign of Asher. No phone calls, no texts, nothing. Although it had been months, I still got furious every time I was reminded of what Asher had done to my love. Avalon continuously tried to calm me down, telling me that all was well, but she was lying to herself. She had to be. All most definitely wasn't well. 

I felt as if I needed to take a stand in honor of my baby, but she wasn't having it. She'd kiss me softly and remind me that violence wasn't the answer. She tried to forget and she wanted me to forget as well, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. Little did Avalon know that I was planning something huge.

It was about nine in the morning. I rolled over and saw that Avalon was still sleeping peacefully beside me. I took this as an opportunity to talk to Jc. I kissed her forehead softly before creeping slowly out of bed. I opened the door, stepped out slowly and closed the door behind me gently. 

Brooke was in the kitchen, as usual, cooking breakfast and eyeing the food closely. I never quite understood her fixation on food, especially because one rarely saw her actually eating the meals she cooked for everyone else. I was going to walk straight to Jc's room, but then I realized that Brooke was crying quietly to herself. I instantly stopped in my tracks and approached her slowly, trying my best not to startle her.

"Brooke," I called out softly.

She jumped and quickly tried wiping her tears away with her abnormally thin fingers.

"Kian, hey," she greeted with a big smile. "I hope you're hungry, I may have went a bit overboard with how much food I made."

"Don't even try that with me, Brooke. Sit down and tell good ol' Kian what's wrong," I said, as I motioned toward the chairs. 

We sat facing each other for a while in an uncomfortable silence. After a while, I was going to speak up and break the silence, but Brooke beat me to it.

"So you know how I've decided to stay here in Cali and do college online instead of going back to New York?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah."

"Well I've decided to just drop out altogether," she replied as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

I furrowed my eyebrows trying to figure out what the big deal was. I mean, college was important or whatever, but it wasn't entirely necessary. Brooke was a very smart girl. She'd be perfectly fine without college.

"I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive," I stated, "but what is the problem with that exactly? I mean, it's a pretty big decision, but is it really that much of an emotional situation?"

Brooke covered her face with her hands and began to cry even more. I quickly stood up and rubbed her back softly, trying my best to comfort her without overstepping.

"Brooke, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to be such a-"

She cut me off. "It's not that. Y-you did nothing wrong," she muttered. "I'm not actually crying about dropping out. It's not that big of a deal to me."

As I continued to rub her back, I noticed that her spine seemed to stick out a bit more than it should. I tried my best not to notice it. Maybe I was just being weird.

Could Brooke possibly have an eating dis-

"I don't know, I'm just going through a lot right now," Brooke stated, breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"Did Jc do anything to you?" I asked her softly.

She quickly shook her head and wiped away any remaining tears. "No, he's been quite amazing actually," she told me as she stood up. "I just... I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay," I replied, not wanting to pressure it out of her, "maybe things will get better after you eat breakfast and have a productive start to your day."

"I'm actually not that hungry anymore... but thanks for caring enough to talk to me, Kian. You're a great guy."

"Any time," I stated and I walked toward Jc's room. After a few steps, I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face Brooke once more. "I really mean that, Brooke."


"Is that even a question? Of course I'm in!" Jc exclaimed. 

I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness! I really didn't wanna do this alone. I mean, I would've done it either way, but it's just nice to know that I have backup now."

"Dude, I'll always be your backup. I know you'd do the same for me if I ever needed to help Brooke."

"Speaking of Brooke," I trailed.


"Has she been... okay lately?"

Jc sighed. "I don't know, honestly. I've been pretty worried about her lately, but she won't talk to me."

"Just... take care of her, okay?"

"Of course," Jc replied. "So about this plan..."

"Okay, so we're gonna park outside of his apartment building and just sit there until we see him. As soon as we see him, you're gonna put the blindfold over his eyes, I'm gonna tie his arms behind his back and we're gonna toss him in the trunk."

"Kian, I think this is the craziest fucking plan you've ever come up with."

"Are you having second thoughts?"

"No, man. I'm in, but what are we planning to do after we drive off with him?"

"Nothing, dude. We're just gonna drive around for a while to scare him. Then we're gonna take him back to his apartment parking lot, untie him and quickly drive off," I told him.

"I'm really hoping we don't get into some sort of trouble for this. We're not gonna jump him or anything, right?"

"I might punch him in the face once or twice, but we're not gonna severely hurt him or anything," I reassured him

"I'm all for it then."

"We have to let him know that he can't mess with us."


A few hours passed and Jc and I were now sitting in the car in the parking lot of Asher's apartment building. We had been sitting there for almost two hours and I was getting antsy. I was praying that he'd show up soon. Almost as if god was listening, I saw someone walking toward the door to the apartment building. I instantly recognized him, seeing Asher's stupid haircut and pasty skin. My heart felt as if it was going to beat out of my chest. 

I wasn't having a single second thought. All I could feel was the anger consuming my body. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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