Chapter 4: Him

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"She's just so difficult," I groaned as Jc laughed at my misfortune.

Jc and I were sitting on our porch, just a few hours after I attempted to talk to Avalon. I still couldn't believe that she rejected me. She was the first girl to ever reject me and honestly, my ego was getting pretty deflated.

"Maybe you should just give up and let me give it a shot," Jc replied before taking a sip of vodka.

"Hell no," I retorted. "I already told you that this one's mine."

"Maybe she would actually like you if you didn't refer to her as 'this one'"

I sighed realizing that he was right. "I guess you're right."

"Yeah and I'll prove it to you!" Jc stated before standing up and running off the porch.

My eyes widened once I realized what he was planning to do. I bolted off the porch following behind him and finally caught up with Jc, who had already rang the doorbell. Thinking quickly, I stood off to the side of the porch, so Avalon wouldn't be able to see me. I was curious as to what Jc was going to say to her.

I heard the door open and I wondered how Avalon would react Jc being there.

"Um, hi Jc!" she greeted politely, completely shocking me in the process.

"Hey Avalon," he replied.

"Um... do you want to come in?" she asked softly.

"Could we just sit out here?" Jc suggested.

"Yeah, sure!" she replied.

Assuming they sat on her porch swing, their conversation continued.

"So what's up?" she asked.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Is that so?"

"It sure is. I also wanted to apologize on behalf of Kian."

"Oh," she replied, sounding disinterested.

"Yeah, he means well, he really does. He's just... really bad at expressing his feelings."

I furrowed my eyebrows. What the hell was Jc telling her about me?

"He expressed his feelings pretty damn well when he gave me this hickey without permission," Avalon told him.

Jc sighed. "Yeah he does stupid impulsive things sometimes, but when he cares about someone, he'll do anything for them."

"So that's why you came here?" Avalon asked impatiently. "To talk to me about Kian?"

"Well I just wanted to get that out of the way before talking to you."

"What do you want to talk to me about then?" she asked.

"Well, uh... I just wanted to say that I think that you're really beautiful and that you seem like a pretty cool girl."

"Aww Jc, that's so sweet."

For some reason, this conversation was angering me. I wasn't sure whether it was jealousy or not.

"Yeah and I just wanted to get to know you better...if you'd like that, I mean."

"Of course I would! You know, Jc, you just made my day."

"Just your very presence makes my day everyday."

I cringed. I couldn't believe that Avalon was falling for this bullshit. Jc was obviously just messing with her and it was pissing me off. I know I was being a bit of a hypocrite because I was messing with Avalon too, but it still bothered me.

A few minutes later, I came to the sudden realization that Jc and Avalon weren't talking anymore. I quickly jumped up from my hiding place and walked around to the front of the porch to see what was going on. My eyes widened once I saw that Jc and Avalon were sitting on the porch swing, making out. I stood there in shock for a few minutes before they both suddenly pulled away from the kiss. Avalon's eyes met mine and it really bothered me that she didn't seem phased at the fact that I was standing right there. She pulled Jc into a quick hug and planted a kiss on his cheek before Jc walked off the porch.

"That's how it's done," Jc whispered, tapping my shoulder before walking back to our house.

I was left standing where I was, completely dumbfounded.

"Kian... what are you doing here?" Avalon asked me.

"W-what was that?" I asked her, stammering.

She shrugged. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... why would you give Jc a chance, but not me?"

"Maybe because Jc is actually nice," she told me. "Why are you here anyway?"

"I...I-I... it's nothing," I told her softly.

I turned around on my heel and sprinted as fast as possible across the street to my house. Once inside, I ran past Jc.

"Dude what's wrong?" he asked.

I ignored him and kept running. Once I made it to my room, I slammed the door shut and dug vigorously through my desk drawer.

Where the hell is it? I thought to myself impatiently as I continued to rummage through it.

Once my hand finally touched what I was looking for, I calmed down a bit and pulled it out. It was a photo of Avalon and I at my 12th birthday party. My arm was around her and we were both covered in cake. I remembered that day in great detail. I remember smudging cake on her cheek and in her hair, starting a cake fight between the two of us. I smiled softly at the memory. I couldn't believe that her and I used to be the best of friends and now we acted as if we didn't even know each other anymore. I mean, it was all my fault why we weren't friends anymore, but that didn't mean that I couldn't miss it.

Snapping out of it, I grabbed my penny board before I opened my bedroom door and walked out. I continued waking down the hall and walked slowly down the stairs. On the way out, I walked past Jc without saying a word, and went outside. Luckily, Avalon was still sitting on her porch swing, meaning I wouldn't have to bother her with the doorbell again.

I took a deep, nervous breath before walking off my porch and crossing the street to get to hers. Once she finally noticed me, she stood up. I then walked apprehensively onto her porch.

"What do you want from me, Kian?" she asked weakly.

I shook my head. "Here," I replied, holding the photo out to her. "You should have this."

"What's this?" she asked, gently pulling it from my grip.

She hesitantly looked at it and a small smile instantly formed on her face. "The picture of you and I from your 12th birthday party?" she stated softly, still looking at the photo.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Why...why are you giving this to me?" she asked, her eyes meeting mine again.

"It's nothing," I muttered. "I-I'll leave you alone now. You don't have to worry about me anymore."

I sighed and got on my penny board, riding away. I continued to ride, ignoring her calling my name from behind me. I was no longer going to be a burden on her.


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I think I'm starting to like this, but then again, I don't, but eh.

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