Chapter 38: Him

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I had grown used to waking up to Avalon in my bed everyday, but that didn't make it any less special to me. It was only around eight in the morning and Avalon was still sleeping peacefully beside me. Her brown hair was sprawled all over the place, concealing her face.

Gently, as not to wake her, I pushed the silky strands away from her face, admiring her natural features. Light peeked through the blinds, leaving subtle streaks of light across her face, causing me to smile. I was never going to get over how lucky I was to have her here in my life. I could stare at her for hours.

"Why are you staring at me?" she muttered under her breath, eyes still closed.

Part of me wondered how she knew that, considering her eyes were still shut, but I decided to let it go.

"I wasn't."

She rolled over, turning her back on me. "Whatever you say."

I rolled my eyes and smiled softly. "Good morning to you too."

Avalon exhaled loudly before turning back over and getting closer to me, cuddling into my chest. "Happy now?"


Mornings with Avalon were usually pretty interesting. Some mornings, she would be loving and warm, but other mornings, she would give me the cold shoulder. Overall, she wasn't quite a morning person, but neither was I. That was one thing we had in common for sure.

Suddenly, breaking me out of my serene moment, the doorbell rang. I sighed impatiently and rolled out of bed, not even bothering to put a shirt on. I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I opened the door. Once my eyes were in focus again, I saw who it was. I wished that I would've just stayed in bed.

New life motto: 'When in doubt, just stay in bed with my girlfriend.'

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked Asher in a menacing tone.

"Where's Avalon?"

"None of your fucking business where she is."

I suddenly felt two small arms wrap around my torso from behind—Avalon.

"Babe, what's going on?" Avalon questioned in her raspy morning voice.

"Avalon, I have to talk to you," Asher stated.

I guess Avalon didn't fully decipher that Asher was here until now.

"What are you doing here?" she asked blankly.

"We need to talk."


"We just, uh... have to talk... alone," Asher clarified.

"Whatever you need to say, you can say in front of Kian."

"Please?" he begged.

"Like I said, Asher. Anything you say to me, you can say in front of my baby."

Asher hesitated for a few moments, seemingly contemplating whether he should say anything or not. After a few long seconds, Asher released a sigh of defeat.

"Avalon, I love you, okay? We still have a chance to be together!"

"She's obviously with me, man," I told him.

I mean, it was obvious that she was with me. I couldn't quite understand why this man just couldn't take a hint. Avalon was still holding me in her arms, right in front of him. She obviously made her decision and I just couldn't understand why he didn't respect that.

"I still haven't exposed what your father did. Your parents still have their clean reputation."

"So?" Avalon replied.

"If you get back with me, I'll make sure it stays that way."

"Do you honestly think I give a fuck about my parents' rep anymore? I dumped you and I'm with Kian now. I couldn't care less."

"Yeah, so maybe you should go," I told him sternly, "and never come back."

Asher took a step forward, getting in my face, attempting and failing at being intimidating. "Or what?"

"Or that pretty face of yours won't be very pretty anymore."

Asher stumbled back a bit.

"Whatever," he muttered under his breath as he turned away to leave.

"I never want to see your face at my doorstep ever again!" I yelled as he walked away.

I quickly slammed the door shut and locked it.

"I am so sorry, Kian," Avalon told me apologetically.

I pulled her into a hug, holding her tight. "Don't apologize. It's not your fault he's a fucking psycho."

"But it's my fault he came in the first place. And what if he comes back?"

"No, it's his fault he came because he's crazy. And if he comes back, I'll just have to kick his ass."

"Ooh look at Kian being a little badass," Brooke chimed in.

Avalon and I laughed awkwardly. Before there could be any more awkward conversation, Avalon grabbed my hand and pulled me back to my—our room. Avalon and Brooke were still very distant toward each other and since Avalon was my girlfriend, I guess that meant I had to act distant as well.


Finally an update !!!

Not exactly sure when the next one will be, but I'll try not to take too long. This chapter is honestly trash, so hopefully I'll be able to post a new one soon.

There also may or may not be typos.

Intoxicated I Love You // Kian Lawley [a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now