Chapter 23: Her

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When Kian kissed me two weeks ago, I wanted to kiss him back more than anything. I was in love with that stupid boy. I honestly didn't know it was possible to love and hate someone at the same time until now. I wanted to rip that stupid ring off my finger and jump into his arms, but so many different things stopped me from doing so. Kian was obviously happy with that other random girl and he was obviously just confused about his feelings toward me. There was no way that Kian and I would ever work out even if we did get together anyway. We were two completely different people and we both wanted completely different things in life.

As I pondered more and more, I realized that Kian and I actually weren't so different after all. We were both pretty messed up in our own little ways. I was confused about what I actually wanted from him and he was confused about his feelings for me, that obviously didn't exist.

One positive thing in this whole situation, however, was that living with Asher wasn't all that bad. Asher wasn't actually as boring as I thought he was just a few months ago. Him and I were hanging out more and more by the day, which I enjoyed much more than being stuck at home with my parents. This was my new home and I was getting used to it. Sure, Asher and I weren't actually in love, but I had to admit that for a fake fiancé, he was pretty damn good looking.

He was currently at work and I was sitting at my laptop doing my daily dose of online classes. I had suddenly became more motivated to pursue my education after moving in with Asher. Kian was only a distraction and I was glad to finally have him out of my life.


I woke up in the middle of the night to the loud sounds of thunder. I instinctively pulled the blanket over my head and tried to get closer to Asher. I never knew why, but ever since I was a little kid, I had always been afraid of thunderstorms. I just found them downright terrifying.

As I rolled over, I realized that Asher wasn't asleep next to me. I began to panic, but that's when I realized that he went to his parents' house for the night. As cool as Asher was, he was still pretty lame for sleeping over at his parents'.

At that moment, I was terrified. I absolutely hated being alone during thunderstorms.

Suddenly my phone began to ring, completely startling me even more. Confused, I picked it up and was curious as to why Kian was calling me at three in the morning. I was curious as to why he was calling me at all. I reluctantly answered the phone and pressed it to my ear.

"What do you want, Kian?" I answered impatiently.

"I was just, uh... thinking about you."


"Well I just... when we were younger, you know, you were, uh..."

"Just spit it out Kian," I told him. "Stop stalling."

"I remember you being afraid of thunderstorms and was just wondering how you were doing?"

"I'm fi-"

Suddenly a loud crack of thunder cut me off. A few seconds later, I saw a bright flash of lightning and involuntarily let out a little scream. I knew I was being a wimp, but I couldn't help it.

"Are you alright, babe?" he asked in a worried tone.

I took a few deep breaths before replying. "Yeah, I think I'm okay."

Then I realized what Kian had just called me... Kian just called me babe. I wanted to protest, but it actually secretly made me happy to hear him say that.

"Why do you care so much?" I quickly asked him.

"Because I love you, Avalon," Kian replied, completely catching me off guard.


"I'm in love with you," he repeated more clearly. "And I know, you and Asher are engaged and are in love or whatever, but that doesn't change a thing."

I almost said it back, but I quickly stopped myself. I loved Kian so much, but I just couldn't say it back. I just couldn't.

Before Kian could say anything else, I hung up the phone and jumped out of bed. I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail and pulled on my shoes.

I couldn't believe what I was about to do. I grabbed my keys off the night stand and quickly locked the door before running out of the apartment.

I was outside late at night by myself in a thunderstorm for this boy. Once I was safely inside my car, I quickly began to drive in the direction of Kian's house.

Within ten minutes, I was standing outside of his house in the pouring rain. Even though I was afraid of thunderstorms, I was even more afraid of seeing Kian. The rain completely drenched me, but all I could concentrate on was the fact that Kian was right inside that house.

I pulled out my phone and called his number. With shaking hands, I pressed the phone gently to my ear.

"Avalon?" He sounded surprised to hear from me.

Still on the phone, I took a few steps forward and walked onto his porch.

"Come to your front door," was all I told him before hanging up.

In a matter of seconds, the door opened. The moment my eyes met Kian's, he cracked the biggest and most perfect smile.

"You're here," he stated, still smiling.

"Here I am."

"I'm honestly so fucking happy to see you right n-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. I intertwined my fingers in his hair gently and his hands slowly snaked tightly around my waist. Right in this moment, the thunderstorm couldn't scare me anymore. I felt safe.

A few minutes into the kiss, Kian broke it to speak.

"Let's get you inside," he whispered, out of breath. "You're soaking wet."

I nodded in response, taking his hand in my own. He closed the front door and I led the way to his bedroom. Once we were in his room, I quickly shut the door and began kissing him again. Within a few minutes, we were full on making out. My hands made their way to the bottom of his shirt and he helped me pull it over his head. He kissed me a few more times before he pulled my shirt off next. He looked me in the eyes for a few seconds and gave me a confused look.

"What about Asher?" he asked me sincerely.

I pulled my ring off and gently tossed it aside. "You don't really think I want to marry him do you?" I whispered in his ear before placing my lips against his warm neck.

"You seemed pretty convincing when you told me about the engagement," Kian argued.

"I love you, Kian," I reassured him. "Only you."

I gently pressed my lips to his again.

"I love you too," Kian mumbled between kisses.


I'm so sorry for the long wait! My mental state hasn't been great lately.

School has also been making me pretty busy.

Intoxicated I Love You // Kian Lawley [a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now