Chapter 10: Him

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Avalon and I were on her porch, making out for the third time that evening. This was one of the most confusing girls I had ever met. And I knew that she didn't have any feelings for me and that this was purely a physical thing for her, but for me... it meant so much more than that. Even though I had the occasional perverted thought about her, I still really did care about her. I cared about her so much and I knew that eventually she would break my heart, but for now I was just enjoying the amazing moments with her. Someone closed a car door, causing Avalon to break the kiss. I was disappointed and felt my lips craving hers once more.

Looking back at her, I noticed that she was focused on something. I looked at what she was looking at and sighed when I realized they were guests coming to her house, meaning that she would be leaving me. She rolled her eyes and sighed. I bit my lip as I stared at her. She quickly pulled me in for another kiss. I closed my eyes and savored the moment. I almost whined when she pulled away.

She placed her lips on my ear and whispered, "You should go now."

I nodded. "Good idea."

I reluctantly turned around and walked across the street and went inside my house. The moment I walked in, Jc was standing a few feet in front of the doorway. He stood there, smiling widely at me.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

Jc and I haven't spoken much since that day him and I got into that argument over him using Avalon.

"So you and Avalon, huh?"

I shrugged and kept walking.

"It's about time she gave you some action!" he shouted behind me. "If things go as quickly for you as they did for me, she should be sleeping with you in no time buddy."

I tried my best to ignore him the entire time, but I just could not let that go. The guy who I thought was my best friend was the biggest douche on the planet.

I turned around and stormed angrily toward Jc. Before I could stop myself, my fist collided forcefully with his face. He stumbled backward and almost fell. I wasn't a big fan of violence, but I was pretty pleased with myself.

"Dude, what the hell!"

"Avalon is an amazing girl and it's messed up that you're talking about her that way!" I shouted in his face.

"Dude, chill."

"Don't tell me to chill," I told him. "I'm going up to my room. Don't even try to talk to me at all tonight."

He held his hands up in defense and backed away slowly. I stormed angrily up the stairs to my room and slammed the door behind me. I laid back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. I always knew that Avalon was going to be the death of me someday.


The doorbell rang a few hours later and I lazily got up. Jc left to go hang out with some friends, so I wasn't worried about seeing him at all tonight. I opened the door and instantly couldn't stop myself from smiling. Avalon came to see me again.

"Hey," I greeted with a smile.

"Hey," she muttered quietly.

"Something wrong?"

"I got into it with my parents and walked out again."

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, that's not the worst part," she added, laughing sarcastically. "Remember that kid that my parents have been trying to set me up with since I was in like the fifth grade?"

"Asher the asshole?" I asked.

She laughed at my use of his nickname. I never actually met Asher, but after all of the stories Avalon used to tell me, I hated him. Her parents were never big fans of me, so they never allowed her to have me over while the Winstons were over because they were so focused on impressing their stupid friends.

"Asher the asshole," she confirmed, turning around to glance at Asher. "My dad made me bring him with to assure that I wouldn't be seeing you alone."

"Aww man that sucks."

"And he's still exactly the same now as he was when we were younger."

"Great," I replied sarcastically.

"Yeah so it was either hang out with Asher alone or have you tag along. Obviously, if you were around, it would be slightly better."

"Thank you I guess?"

"So what do you want to do?" she asked.

"Kiss you."

"What'd I tell you about getting attached to me?" she whined.

I sighed. "Sorry."

"I can buy us all ice cream?" she suggested.

"Unlike you two, I actually care about my health and my body, so no thank you," Asher answered.

He was so annoying. I couldn't take how arrogant he was. I then realized, however, that I shouldn't be judging him. I was just as arrogant as he was. The only difference was that I was learning and trying to change my ways. Him on the other hand...

"I can buy us ice cream and Asher can watch us eat it?" Avalon suggested again. "My parents don't know, but I have my car keys on me."

"Awesome," I replied. "I'm in."

"Fine, but if we get in trouble, I'm telling your parents that I was forced to go," Asher stated.

"I honestly don't care, Asher," Avalon whined.

"I can't believe my parents actually want me to date you. Yeah, you're gorgeous and smart when it comes to school, but other than that you're not all that bright."

"And I can't believe that my parents want me to date you. Yeah, you're somewhat attractive, but you're way too full of yourself. And don't even get me started on your shitty attitude."

"To think I actually used to be into you when I was 14."

She scrunched her face up in disgust. "Ew, I didn't even like you as a friend then."

"Y-you didn't like me?" he asked her. "I thought you liked me back?"

"Um no... gross. I was only nice to you because my parents bribed me with money if I was."

"Are you serious?!" he asked.

This was one of the most entertaining moments of my life. I stood there, listening to this crazy conversation completely enticed.

"No, I'm just kidding," she replied. "I mean I never actually disliked you or anything, but I did find you pretty annoying at times."

Asher sighed in what seemed to be relief. "Okay good. It would have sucked to know that the girl I liked at the time was bribed to be nice to me."

"Oh no, I was serious about that. I mean, they didn't actually bribe me with money, but they bribed me with ice cream and stuff like that."

"That is so not cool!"

She shrugged. "I really like ice cream. And besides... I liked someone else at that time anyway."


My ears perked up when I heard that. She liked someone? I knew wasn't me, but I was curious as to who it was. She had always been so perfect, so the guy she liked was probably almost as perfect as she was. I mean, I had been crazy about her since I was like twelve, but I knew that there was no possible way that she would ever be into someone like me. But that's when I heard it clear as day...

"I liked Kian."


:-) new chapter.

Intoxicated I Love You // Kian Lawley [a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now