Chapter 8: Him

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It was days later and I still felt horrible about that tiny argument that Avalon and I had at the park. I mean, it wasn't exactly a full blown fight, but Avalon seemed really hurt by it and I knew it was all my fault. I treated all of those years her and I had together like they were nothing, when in reality, they were so much more than that. They meant so much more to me than anyone could've ever imagined. The moment I screwed everything up and walked out of her life, I should've just left her alone. Avalon didn't need negativity like me in her life. I just had to flirt with her two weeks ago and cause all of those memories to come flooding back. So much had happened in just that tiny span of two weeks. If I could go back in time and undo it, I would. She was so much better off without me.

I wanted to march straight to her house and make things right with her, but I knew that it wouldn't make a difference. Avalon was way too good for me and I knew that she wouldn't even want me in her life.

I was too absorbed in my own thoughts to notice that Jc was standing in my room right beside my bed. I looked up at him only to see one of the biggest smirks on his face that I had ever seen.

"What are you so damn happy about?" I asked irritably.

Without invitation, he took a seat on the edge of my bed. Still smirking, he placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a quick nod before speaking.

"Avalon's all yours now."

"You finally decided to leave her alone?" I questioned skeptically.

He bit his lip trying to hide his ever so clear smirk, but failed.

"Now that I finally got what I wanted, I'm done with her," he replied.

"Y-you...had sex with her?" I asked, instantly feeling my heart drop.

"Yeah and it was awesome. You should try it, dude. It's pretty damn easy to get her to do it."

Looking down at my hands, I saw that they were balled tightly into fists. My knuckles were losing more and more color in them by the moment. I thought about punching Jc in the face, but decided not to. Instead, I just stood up, angrily glaring into his eyes.

"I can't fucking believe you!" I shouted in his face.

"What the hell are you yelling for, man?" Jc shouted back. "What do you care? You told me repeatedly that you didn't have feelings for her, so I don't see what the problem is!"

"Well you should know damn well by now that I lie!" I yelled. "I love her. I always have." I added a bit more calmly.

"Didn't you just meet her like a couple weeks ago?"

I unclenched my fists and sighed. I sat down next to Jc, burying my face in my hands for a few moments. After I regained most of my composure, I looked up to face him. Jc never knew about my previous friendship with Avalon because I met him after I ditched her and became a dick.

"Avalon and I used to be best friends," I confessed.


"Yeah, we were best friends for like ten years," I added. "I remember I had the hugest crush on her all through middle school."

"Dude...I had no idea."

"It's whatever."

"I still don't feel like I did anything wrong, though."

"Well you did," I told him.

"Please, I did her a favor and got her laid."

"Fuck you, Jc," I said angrily standing up.

Intoxicated I Love You // Kian Lawley [a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now