Chapter 30: Him

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The gleaming sunlight peeked through the shades on my window, glaring straight into my eyes. I stirred around my bed for a bit before opening my eyes that still ached from crying. The literal love of my life was now completely out of my life. The morning after a heartbreak was always the worst part because that's when it really begins to sink in; it really began to sink in that Avalon was now gone.

I couldn't believe my luck. When I opened the door and saw Avalon's crystal blue eyes staring back at me, I hoped that she was coming back to me, but that obviously wasn't the case. I thought she couldn't stand Asher. Why would she become engaged to him again? None of this seemed to add up. Looking back, Avalon didn't seem to be very genuine about her feelings toward the "engagement". There was something sketchy about this situation.

It especially hurt me when Avalon told me that she never wanted to talk to me again. Having the love of my life just straight up tell me the she didn't want to talk to me ever again hurt like hell.

I spent all of my time thinking that her and I were meant to be, but now I wasn't so sure. I glanced over to the side of the bed where Avalon would lay and I could see traces of her makeup on my pillow. The sheets were still wrinkled from where her body would lay. The faint smell of her perfume still lingered in my sheets, making me think of her even more. I would have given anything for her to be back here, lying right beside me–for her body to be engulfed in my arms, pressed lightly against mine.

My thoughts of Avalon were soon interrupted when my bedroom door swung open. I was greeted by Brooke and Jc, who both had guilty expressions on their faces. Their light smiles almost seemed patronizing.

"No, don't worry about knocking. Just walk right in, why don't ya?" I muttered as I turned over to my side, my back now facing them.

Those two were the last people I wanted to talk to. It was their fault Avalon left me. If Brooke wouldn't have started that argument with Avalon in the first place, Avalon would still be in my arms at the moment. Uninvited, they both sat on my bed.

"Kian, I am so sorry," Brooke apologized. "I know how much you care about her."

"Apologies won't bring her back to me," I mumbled in response.

"C'mon, dude. She'll forgive you eventually," Jc told me.

I continued staring out the window, completely ignoring Jc. Didn't they both get the hint that I didn't want to talk to either of them? They were just making matters worse, honestly.

Jc sighed loudly. "C'mon, don't be that way."

Don't tell me how to react, I thought. Who did Jc think he was? I had just lost her yesterday. How the hell was I supposed to react?

"Look, Kian. I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to tell her about our little bet, especially because that bet ended forever ago."

"Whatever," I responded.

"Why don't you try letting her know that going after her had nothing to do with the bet?" Jc suggested.

"Or maybe let her know that when you fell in love with her, the bet was completely off the table?" Brooke chimed in.

I couldn't take it anymore. These two being here were making matters worse. I sprang up and turned to face them. I clenched my hands into fists and took a few breaths to avoid hitting something out of anger.

"It's not that fucking simple!" I screamed angrily. "I can't just go around begging for her to come back!"

"Dude, you need to chill. It's not the end of the world. You can easily get her back. It might just take a bit of time," Jc said.

I was on the verge of tears at this point.

"I can't just easily get her back!" I shouted, still holding back tears.

"And why the fuck not?" Jc asked.

"Because she's engaged!"

"What the hell?"

I sighed and fell back onto my bed again. "Asher swept her off her feet I guess."

"She hates Asher," Brooke added.

"Not anymore, I guess."

"Kian, listen to me. Avalon hates Asher. If she agreed to marry him, there's obviously something going on."

"Well what do you suggest I do then?" I asked her.

She sighed. "I honestly don't know, Kian, but Avalon's a special girl and it might take something big to get her back."

I sighed. "I suck at this kind of stuff. I don't know what to do."

She patted my shoulder softly. "You'll figure it out."

I sighed in disappointment and curled up under my comforter. All I wanted was to be left here alone in my misery.

"Brooke, let's go. I think Kian just wants to be alone."

"Good call."

I felt the weight of the bed shift as they both got up to leave.

"Wait, what's this?" Jc asked.

"What?" I murmured with my head still under the blanket.

"It looks like a paper towel with lipstick on it," Brooke stated.


"Kian, you might wanna see this," Jc stated.

I slowly emerged from underneath the blanket. "What is it?"

"Looks like Avalon left you a little note," he stated before him and Brooke left the room.

I crawled to the other side of my bed and saw the paper towel with pink lipstick scrawled across it. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I hesitantly unfolded it. My heart began to thump repeatedly in my chest as I began to read the words that Avalon wrote.

"Kian, I still love you."


:-) this is soooo bad lmao

Intoxicated I Love You // Kian Lawley [a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now