Chapter 28: Her

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Tears continued to well up in my eyes, cascading down my cheeks. It had been about an hour since I stormed out of Kian and Jc's house and I couldn't stop myself from crying. As I sat on the swing, I watched my feet dangle beneath me.

I eventually deemed wiping my tears away pointless because as soon as I did, more replaced them. I had no one to turn to. Everyone that I was close to, I managed to push them all away. Just two months ago, I was such a different person and I was beginning to miss my old self. That was back before everything got so complicated. I would kill to get Kian out of my mind at the moment.

Realizing that I had no one to turn to, I got off the swing and decided to go to the only place I could think of—home. I hadn't spoken to my mom in ages due to my shitty attitude toward her. I felt awful about the way I acted toward her these past several weeks. I used to tell her everything, but lately, I haven't spoken a single word to her.

I stepped onto my porch and apprehensively pulled out my key to unlock the door. I took a deep breath before placing my hand on the doorknob, feeing the cool metal surface make contact with my hand. Taking in another deep breath, I slowly turned the knob and stepped into the house. It felt odd, standing there in my living room. I felt almost out of place—almost as if I didn't belong there anymore. Tears filled my eyes, making me realize how much I missed it here.

"Avalon?" I heard my mother's voice. "What are you doing here?"

Startled, I jumped and turned on my heel to face her. The moment I turned around, she instantly realized that something was wrong. She tightly engulfed me in her loving arms and I couldn't stop myself from breaking down in tears.

"Aww, sweetie what's wrong?" she whispered soothingly as she stroked my hair in an attempt to comfort me.

"I lied to you, mom," I managed to choke out in between sobs.

She released from the hug and motioned for me to sit. I sat down beside her on the couch and she gave me a stern, yet loving look.

"What did you lie about exactly?"

"Asher and I weren't actually engaged," I mumbled.

"Oh thank god!" my mom exclaimed in relief, wiping her forehead.

"I thought you loved Asher?" I ask curiously.

"I do, but you and him just weren't the best fit."

That's because Kian and I were the best fit... or so I thought.

The fact that Kian lied to me all this time was astounding. I knew it was dumb, but Kian was the only person that I seemed to trust with my life. I didn't know how I was going to ever face him again. I couldn't... I just couldn't.

"Then why did you and dad always try to set him up with me?" I asked, completely confused.

My mom placed her hand on my cheek gently for a few seconds before speaking.

"It wasn't really our idea..."

"It was his parents' idea?" I questioned, dumbfounded.

My mom sighed. "It's a long story."

"I like long stories," I stated, coaxing her to tell me.

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