Chapter 25: Him

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It was so surreal seeing Avalon lying beside me in my bed, snoring quietly. The girl I had been in love with since I was 12 years old, finally told me that she loved me too. This was all I ever wanted, so it had to be too good to be true.

She had been crashing at my house for the past three days because she couldn't stand the thought of living with her parents again. She also felt awkward at the thought of going back to Asher's place to get the remainder of her items. I told her that I'd go with her, even though I wanted to avoid Asher at all costs. I couldn't stand the guy; I never could. When you love someone, however, you will do anything for them, regardless if you actually want to do it or not because of the mere  fact that you are madly and hopelessly in love with that person.

I watched Avalon quietly and cautiously, trying my absolute best not wake her. As she lied on her side, her long brown hair draped over her face, concealing her beautiful face. I longed to see her eyes open. All I wanted in that moment was for her perfect blue eyes to be staring into mine. Now that I finally had her all to myself, I wanted to make the most of every second. I gently pushed her brown hair out of her face, admiring her natural beauty. Just the way she looked while she was sleeping was more than enough to make my heart rate increase.

"Why are you staring at me?" she mumbled with her eyes still closed.

I jumped in surprise. "H-how did you know I was staring at you?"

Ignoring my question, she rolled over so that she was closer to me and buried her face in my bare chest. I then wrapped my arms around her tiny body. I wondered if she could feel how fast my heart was beating.

"I love you," she mumbled into my chest, still half asleep.

"I love you more," I stated smoothly in response.

"Stop lying," she murmured.

"You're seriously trying to tell me that you love me more? Please."

"Fuck you," she replied, "and just admit that I love you more."

I shook my head, trying not to laugh. This girl was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even though she has only mine for a few days, I still liked to think that we had been together for much longer than that.

"I'm so glad you're my girlfriend," I stated and placed a gentle kiss on her warm forehead.

She removed her head from my chest and her eyes darted to meet mine. Looking down at her, I realized that her eyes were filled with confusion. Did I say something wrong? I instantly felt anxious and could feel my heart practically beating out of my chest.

"Girlfriend?" she asked me incredulously, her eyes almost bulging out of her head in shock. "I thought this was just a casual hookup."

My jaw almost dropped down to the floor and I immediately removed my arms from around her, releasing her from my protective grip. I couldn't believe I let the same girl control my emotions like that again. I knew that this was much too good to be true.

"Kian, I was kidding!" she exclaimed suddenly, giggling loudly. "I just told you that I was in love with you like a minute ago!"

An immediate feeling of relief washed over my entire body. I couldn't believe that I fell for that. The effect that Avalon had on me was insane. How she always managed to get my heart racing like that was beyond me.

"That was really mean of me," she added, still laughing. "I'm not sorry, but I admit that it was very mean."

I fake pouted and jutted lower lip out in an attempt to playfully show my discontent with the situation. Avalon let out a few more giggles before planting a light kiss on my pouty lip.

"I'm sorry my lovely boyfriend," she murmured in a baby voice as she pinched my left cheek.

"What happened to not being sorry?" I teased, earning an annoyed eye roll from her.

I tried my hardest to conceal my smile, but failed. Placing my gentle hands on the sides of her smooth face, I softly stroked her cheeks with my thumbs before kissing her passionately. Nothing could compete with kissing Avalon now that I could do it whenever I wanted to. Kissing Avalon was like Christmas. My gifts were her kisses and her love.

Suddenly, startling both Avalon and I, my room door swung open abruptly, causing us to both break the kiss. I groaned in frustration only to see Jc standing in the doorway, his jaw practically touching the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to why Jc seemed so shocked. That's when I noticed that Avalon was half-dressed and he was nearly drooling over her. I gave Jc a disapproving glare before swiftly pulling my comforter up to provide my girlfriend with at least a bit of coverage.

"Ooh, Kian, get some!"

"What do you want?" I questioned Jc impatiently.

"I was just coming to tell you that I was back home, damn!" Jc declared. "The attitude on this one," Jc muttered to Avalon.

"Right!" she agreed playfully.

"Back home?" I interjected. "What?"

"You sure don't pay attention, do you? I was in Texas for the past four days visiting family," he stated as if it were obvious.

I completely forgot that Jc wasn't here these past few days! My thoughts were so consumed by Avalon that I completely forgot about Jc being in a completely different state.

After a few moments of awkward s
silenced, Jc finally broke broke it by clearing his throat and making another statement.

"I guess, uh... I'll just leave you lovebirds to it."

The moment the door shut, I immediately felt relieved. Call me greedy, but I wanted nothing more than to have as much alone time with Avalon as possible. The fact that I finally had her now, made me not want to spend any waking moment without her. I had been waiting for seven years for her to finally fall for me and now that she was finally mine and I was hers, nothing could get between us.

Or so I thought.


There may or may not be typos in this! I typed this very late at night. But if you're still reading this story, thank you so much! That means a lot!

Intoxicated I Love You // Kian Lawley [a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now