Chapter 14: Him

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The next day, Jc and I were both setting up for the crazy party we were going to be having tonight. Part of me silently hoped that Avalon would decide to come. I just had to see her. Every part of my body ached to see her. I was in love with her, even though I knew she didn't want me.

I sighed as I continued to help Jc clean up the cluttered living room.

"Dude, are you alright?" Jc asked.

I shrugged. "I'm fine."

"Are you still mad at me? Because you know... I'm actually sorry about that whole Avalon thing, you know? It was a dick move."

I put my hands in my pockets and shook my head. "No no, that's not it. I'm over that, I guess."

"Then what is it?" he asked sincerely. "You can tell me."

"It's just... Avalon is just messing with my emotions."

Jc sighed. "Dude, she's obviously into you. Just give her a little time, maybe?"

"You really think so?"

"Why else would she be coming over here every goddamn day to see you?" he asked me, laughing.

I tried to come up with a good reason as to why, but I couldn't. That was a great question. Why did she always want to see me if she wasn't in love with me too?

"Yeah, I know I'm right," he stated smugly. "And I'm pretty much positive that Avalon will show up tonight."

"I wouldn't put my money on it," I mumbled.

"If her hot friend, Brooke is coming, then Avalon will be coming for sure."

I nodded. "I guess so."


A few hours passed and I was sitting on the couch, lazily watching TV and stuffing my face with popcorn. People were going to be showing up any minute, but for some reason, I felt no excitement whatsoever. About a month or two ago, I would've been pumped for this party, but just in that short span of time, I've changed so much. All of those feelings I had for Avalon all that time ago have come lingering back and changed everything.

Suddenly, breaking me out of my thoughts, Jc was standing right in front of the TV, blocking my view. I stared at him impatiently.

"Jc, move," I whined.

He quickly snatched the remote out of my hand and turned off the TV. I sighed impatiently.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"D-does this look okay?" he asked me.

I inspected his outfit and shrugged. I had no idea why he was asking me for fashion advice.

"It's nice," I replied.

"And what about my hair?" he asked nervously.

"Jc, you look fine. Relax."

"Fine? I only look fine?"

I closed my eyes and sighed. "You look nice, okay?"

He nodded.

"Why are you so worried about this, anyway? I've never seen you this worried about your appearance before."

"I'm just trying to look good for Br-" he stopped himself mid-sentence, "I mean the guests."

"Brooke?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He bit his lip. "Maybe."

I groaned and stood up. "Please don't tell me she's your next target."

"Surprisingly, no," he replied. "She's... different I guess."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "So you're not trying to use her?"

He shook his head. "Nah," he responded, "her and I have hung out a few times and I don't know... I think I'm kinda starting to like her."

I stood there, staring at Jc in shock for a few moments. I couldn't believe that Brooke actually managed to get him to fall for her. I never thought that she would be able to actually do it. Part of me wanted to tell him that it was never going to happen, but another part of me wanted to stay silent about it. In a way, if he got his heart broken, he would probably stop breaking girls hearts. There were no guarantees, but it was possible. Instead of telling him, I just gave him a reassuring smile and nodded.

"Good for you, man," I told him.

The doorbell rang, ending the conversation between Jc and I. Jc opened the door and about ten people walked in at one time. That was my cue to go to my room. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone, unless it was Avalon.

Once I was safely inside my room, I shut the door and locked it. I fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. Jc must've turned on the stereo because loud music began blaring throughout the house a few seconds later.

As I lied there alone, my thoughts began to drift to Avalon. I wondered what she was doing at that exact moment. Was she thinking about me too? Was she planning to come over tonight? I grabbed my phone to check the time. It was a little after 9 pm. I bit my lip and nervously tried calling her. No answer. I should've known that she didn't want to talk to me. I wished that she was here with me right now.


Short, but there will be more later.

Intoxicated I Love You // Kian Lawley [a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now