Chapter 31: The Fiancé

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(^^^The tables have been turned amirite ladies?) Dunno what inspired me to write in his POV.


Walking down the apartment hallway, a brown paper grocery bag in each hand, I was excited to see my beautiful girl's face. She had been living with me again for about two weeks and to say that things were great would be an understatement. I smiled at the fond memories of these past two weeks that were unfolding in my mind:

Holding her hand under the dinner table.

Kissing her forehead every night before bed.

Being cuddled up on the sofa, watching romantic comedies.

This was exactly where she belonged—enveloped safely in my strong arms, sleeping peacefully beside me, cuddled up on the couch, enjoying each other's company. Everything was perfect at the moment. I knew that she would warm up to the amazing idea of marrying me eventually. I couldn't believe that someone as beautiful as Avalon was finally mine. After all of these years, I finally had her to myself. Not only was I ecstatic about her marrying me, but also at the fact that she was nowhere near Kian. I was completely victorious, whereas he was most likely sitting in his room wallowing in his own self-pity.

An involuntary smirk formed across my face as I put my key in the lock. Even though I was only gone for about an hour, I was really looking forward to seeing Avalon. I missed her already and I couldn't wait to see the way her face was going to light up when I walked in. She always seemed so genuinely excited whenever I came back home. She would flash me a wide smile, showing her dazzling white teeth and cute little crinkles would form by her sky blue eyes.

"Honey, I'm home!" I called as I eagerly swung the door open.

Disappointment washed over me when I wasn't immediately greeted by one of Avalon's perfect smiles. Instead, I was welcomed by a dark, empty living room.

"Sweetheart?" I called out once more, hoping to get a response.


I walked into the kitchen and slammed the two bags of groceries down on the table. I drew in a few angry breaths. She left without telling me? I clenched my eyes shut and my breathing became erratic. Was she leaving me?

I left the kitchen and began walking in the direction of our bedroom.

"Maybe she's taking a nap?" I muttered to myself.

Turning on the light, I was greeted by a somber-looking room. It was empty and the bed was made and un-slept in. I drew in a few more deep breaths to calm myself.

"She might be taking a shower," I murmured, trying to convince myself that everything was fine.

The bathroom was dark and the door was wide open. She obviously wasn't here. I pulled my phone out my pocket, clicking her name and pressing the phone to my ear.


I called once more.

Same thing.

I called her repeatedly and once it got to the sixth missed call, I finally gave up, angrily throwing my phone at the wall.


This is just a short little chapter. I wanted to experiment writing in his point of view, but honestly, I'm not really a fan of his POV. Anyway, stay tuned guys! More to come very soon—as in within the next hour or two (:

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