Chapter 19: Her

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I was sitting in my room again about thirty minutes after getting back home from the park with Kian. Brooke was supposed to be coming over any minute. After that little argument between Kian and I, I wasn't really in the mood for any company. Hopefully Brooke would be able to lighten my mood, even if it was just the slightest.

"Avalon, Brooke's here!" my mother shouted from downstairs.

"Send her up!" I shouted back in response.

A few moments later, Brooke walked in holding a cake. She had the biggest smile ever on her face. I raised one eyebrow, sending a strange look her way.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

Instead of responding, she just set the cake down on my nightstand and smiled widely at me. I looked down at the cake and furrowed my eyebrows. The cake had rainbow frosting on it and written in the middle was, 'Bi the way, I'm just a little gay.'

I quickly looked up at her and she was trying to hide her really obvious smile.

"Okay tell me what the hell is going on!" I shouted, laughing.

"I guess I'm not actually a lesbian... because I actually really like Jc!" she shrieked excitedly. "So I guess I'm bi."

"I'm so proud of you!" I exclaimed as I hugged her.

After a few seconds, I stopped and realized what she had just said.

"Wait, Brooke?"


"So how long have you known that you were bisexual?"

"About two months or so, I don't know?"

"Okay so be honest with me. Were you ever actually going to carry out that whole breaking Jc's heart thing?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Or was it just an excuse to go after him without feeling guilty?"

Brooke looked stunned. "Okay, so maybe I had a crush on him for a little while and wanted to be with him? So freaking what?"

"You lied to me!" I exclaimed. "You fucking know that Jc pressured me into giving him my virginity and then broke up with me the same day! You made me think you were doing something for me, when in reality, you were just doing it for your own selfish gain!"

"Just because he treated you that way doesn't mean he'll do the same to me."

I could feel myself growing angrier and angrier the moment she said that.

"That's not the point, Brooke! You know he hurt me and all you cared about since you got home was impressing Jc. And you obviously care way more about your selfish needs than our friendship."

"Me? Selfish?" she asked me incredulously. "You're the selfish one here!"


"Yes, Avalon, you," she retorted harshly. "Kian has been trying so fucking hard to impress all this time and all you did was use him!"

I shook my head slowly. "That's not true."

"Yes it is! Not only that, you only 'dated' Jc for like three days and gave your virginity away like some rummage sale flyer and now you're trying to say I can't have him? You don't own him and you don't own Kian, so maybe you should look in the mirror and reevaluate your entire life."

"Get out," I stated calmly.

She grabbed her cake and turned towards the door. Before walking out, she stopped to say one more thing to me.

"I should be going anyway. I have a hot date with Jc soon. I'll tell him you said hi."

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I shouted as loudly as I could.

She jumped, obviously startled at loud outburst and ran out the door quickly. I slammed the door loudly behind her and fell back onto my bed, completely exasperated. Brooke was kind of right in a way, but she didn't have to be so harsh about it.

A few moments later, I heard my door open slowly. I looked up only to see my mom walk in. She hesitantly sat on the edge of my bed and gave me a patronizing look.

"I heard yelling. Is everything okay?" she asked me, concern evident in her tone.

"It's nothing mom," I stated as I stood up. "I'm going out for a bit. I'll be home soon."

Before I could hear her answer, I walked out of the door and went outside. I eagerly walked across the street to Kian's house. I was finally going to do it. I was going to finally admit it and tell him I was in love with him. I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. A few moments passed and Jc opened the door. He seemed to sigh in relief.

"I thought you were Brooke."

"Nope, it's just me. Is Kian around?"

"You know where his room is," he replied and walked away.

As I walked toward Kian's room, Jc quickly ran back over to me.

"Wait! I wouldn't go in there if I were you," he warned.

"Why not?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"He-he's uh... he's sick!"

I rolled my eyes in response. "I don't care. I just really need to talk to him."

I approached his door and knocked on it.

"You still have time to walk away," Jc whispered from around the corner.

"Let me do what I have to do," I told him sternly.

About a minute passed and there was no response, so I knocked again. And again. And again. Eventually I got impatient and just decided to open the door. Boy, was that a mistake. I stood there wide-eyed and silently wished that I would've listened to Jc pleas. Kian was sitting on his bed, making out with some random chick. This was probably the worst thing that could have happened. The moment I finally decide to admit my feelings to him, he was all over some irrelevant girl. I involuntarily gasped and Kian broke the kiss to look up at me.

"A-Avalon?" he managed to choke out.

I felt a tear rolling down my face and quickly wiped it away. Before he could say anything else, I quickly slammed his door and sprinted out of the house. I wasn't prepared for that. Jc of all people actually tried to help me.

I couldn't handle going home, so I just kept running. I ran and ran and ran. I continued to run until my chest ached. I had no one to talk to and nowhere to go. That's when it hit me... there was one place I could go.


Sorry guys! I've had a lot going on lately! Warped Tour, Driver's Ed and some personal things, but I'm back!

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