Chapter 41: Her

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Jc, Brooke, Kian and I never actually found Asher, which I was secretly grateful for. After the previous events that had happened to me that day, I didn't think that I could handle seeing Asher ever again without completely breaking down into a pitiful mess.

To say that Kian was angry about not finding Asher would be an understatement. He was furious. He stormed angrily back into the house with Jc, Brooke and I trailing quietly behind him.

"I can't believe this shit!" he exclaimed angrily as he picked up the item closest to him and threw it at the wall.

"Did he just throw my shoe?" Jc whispered quietly to Brooke and I.

"Why should he just be able to get away with this?! Who the fuck does he think he is?" Kian continued as he kicked a chair over.

I had never seen Kian this angry before and had no idea what to do. Kian was breathing heavily and looked as if he was only seconds away from self destruction.

"Fuck this!" Kian shouted before angrily punching a hole in the wall and storming into the kitchen.

None of us followed. I figured that he wanted to be alone to cool off.

"Should we go in there? Should we talk to him?" Jc asked us softly. "Do you want to go talk to him?"

"What if he doesn't want me to? What if he just wants to be alone right now?" I replied quietly. "Maybe we should just let him get some of that anger out first."

A few seconds later, a bang was heard, followed by Kian yelling again, making all three of us jump. Less than a second later, the sounds of glass shattering could be heard. It didn't sound good at all. I caved and decided to go check on him.

"I need to try and calm him down," I mumbled.

"Good luck," Brooke said as I slowly walked into the kitchen.

Kian was still throwing dishes, smashing them on the kitchen tiles in a fit of rage. Almost the entire floor was covered in shattered glass.

"Kian," I spoke quietly.

I didn't think he heard me because he didn't look my way. He grabbed another plate and threw it full speed at the wall.

"Kian," I repeated, speaking a bit louder.

Kian still didn't notice me and began to kick the glass shards across the floor. He reached for another plate, causing me to call his name again.

"Kian!" I almost shouted, causing his gaze to soften as he slowly put the plate down.

I hesitantly took a step forward, my gaze never leaving his. Tears began to fill his eyes and I could tell he was trying his hardest to stop them from falling. I gently cupped his face in both of my hands, wiping his tears away with my thumbs. He gently grabbed my hands and pulled them away from his face, turning away from me.

"I hate for you to see me like this," he muttered softly before burying his head in his hands.

"It's okay, Kian."

"No it's fucking not okay! Asher can't just do that shit! And now—"

I grabbed Kian's hands, careful not to touch his bruised and bloody knuckles.

"Kian, try to breathe. When you're this angry, it scares me."

"I'm sorry," he quickly stated. "I am so unbelievably sorry."

I shook my head and gently placed my index finger on his lips.

"You have nothing to be sorry about."

"I just wish things weren't this way," he told me. "I just wish... that everything was as simple as it was when we were twelve, you know? There was none of this bullshit drama and Asher wasn't a fucking psychopath."

"Everything was much simpler then," I agreed, "but we're older now and we can't keep focusing on how things used to be."

He sighed. "I know."

"You know I'm always here for you, right?"

Kian nodded and pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back, rubbing his back soothingly.

"I love you, Avalon."

"And I love you, Kian."

We both pulled away from the hug at the same time and I grabbed him by the hand, placing a soft kiss on his knuckles.

"C'mon," I stated, "let's go clean these cuts up."


Sorry for the short chapter! More to come soon!


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Intoxicated I Love You // Kian Lawley [a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now