Chapter 12: Him

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"Dude so Avalon and her hot friend are coming to our party this weekend," Jc stated.

"Party?" I said in response.

I didn't even know we were having a party. Typical Jc right there. He always did things without consulting me. This didn't surprise me at all.

"Yeah this Saturday night! It's going to be awesome!"

I rolled my eyes, annoyed at him. "Let me guess, you're going to try to get with her friend."

"Hell yeah I am! And it's going to be so easy because she's obviously into me."

"Keep telling yourself that," I muttered.

"Aww c'mon, dude! Cheer up," Jc coaxed, "Avalon will be there to keep you company if you know what I mean."

"Shut the fuck up, Jc."

"Dude, how long are you going to be mad at me?" he asked impatiently.

I shrugged. "I dunno. Whenever you stop being a dick."

"So you're never going to forgive me?" he whined.

"I guess not then."

"Your loss."

I shook my head. "I'm going for a ride," I told him, ignoring every word he said.

I grabbed my penny board, opened the door and began riding. Jc was getting on my last nerve and the thought of spending one more second near him made me want to throw up.

As I rode down the sidewalk, part of me silently wished that Avalon would have seen me and stopped me. I craved to spend time with her. Every second I was away from her, it just made me want her even more. This girl had me so whipped, it was ridiculous.


I was awakened by the loud sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and rolled around on my bed for a few seconds before lazily reaching for my phone. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw Avalon's name. I forgot I even had her number. I had her number from all those years ago and I guess she never changed it.

"Hello?" I murmured into the phone, still half asleep.

"Did I wake you?" she asked in a teasing tone.

"Yeah, I mean... it is 3 am after all."

She laughed softly through the phone. "Can I just say," she said softly, "your sleepy voice is very attractive."

"Well thank you," I replied while yawning.

"Come outside."

"Why? What's up?"

"Just do it."

I sighed. "Fine. I'll be out in a sec."

I hung up the phone and sat up. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair. I was tired as hell, but I was more than willing to lose sleep for Avalon. I rubbed my eyes and finally found the strength to get out of bed. I grabbed the first pair of shoes I could find and pulled them on. I quickly grabbed my wallet, my phone and my house key before running down the stairs and out the door.

As I stepped off my porch, I saw a red sports car parked in front of my house and Avalon was standing right in front of it.

"There you are!" she greeted.

"What's going on?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions, Kian."

I sighed in defeat.

"Get in, we're going to go raise some hell," Avalon coaxed.

Being unable to say no to her, I opened the door and slid into the backseat while Avalon sat in the passenger seat. A blonde girl who looked oddly familiar was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Yo Kian," she greeted.

"Yo...Avalon's friend?" I replied, unsure of how to greet her.

"I'm Brooke," she introduced herself. "I guess you don't remember me."

It took me a few seconds, but then I finally realized who she was.

"Oh! Now I remember you!" I exclaimed as she started the car and began driving. "We went to high school together!"

"At least he remembered," Brooke muttered bitterly.

Avalon let out a cute little giggle. "I love how Kian remembers you, but Jc didn't have a clue as to who you were!"

"That's because Kian's less of a douche than Jc is," Brooke responded.

"Um... thank you?" I replied.

"No offense."

"None taken, I guess," I lied.

"So, Kian," Avalon stated.

"What's up?"

"Are you and Jc still mad at each other?"

"Hell yeah I'm still mad at him!" I exclaimed.

"Okay good because Brooke's using him."

"Using him?"

"Yeah, like a tissue," Brooke chimed in.

"That's awesome, but how are you doing that, exactly?"

"Well," Avalon started, "Brooke was pissed about Jc breaking my heart, so she had the bright idea of getting him to fall for her, just so she can break his heart."

"Wow. I'm not sure if that'll work, but wow."

"Oh, that's not the best part!" Avalon told me, laughing. "Brooke is a lesbian, so there is no possible way she could ever love him in that way."

"Okay, if this doesn't work, I'm going to be really disappointed," I stated.

"Oh it's going to work," Brooke said deviously.

I laughed. Brooke was actually pretty cool. I wondered why I never hung out with her before.

"I can try and help if you want?" I suggested.

"How?" Brooke asked me.

I shrugged. "I live with the guy for crying out loud! I know his weaknesses."

"Well if we need you, we will definitely come to you," she told me.

"So where are we going?" I questioned.

"Don't know," Brooke said as she pulled onto the freeway.

"So you guys woke me up at 3 am only to tell me that you don't know where we're going?"

"Pretty much," Avalon agreed.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I was confused as to why they even invited me. I wasn't much fun and I felt as if I would annoy or bore them. But then again... Avalon invited me so I was grateful for that.

"Why'd you ask me to come along?" I finally asked.

"Because I'm trying to piss my parents off," Avalon replied as if it were obvious. "And you know, sneaking out at 3,in the morning is bad enough, but once I tell them that I snuck out with you, it's going to be even worse. I can't wait to see their faces!"

I couldn't believe the words that this girl was saying. Avalon was still trying to upset her parents. She had always been the perfect daughter and the 'girl next door'. She always used to worry about doing something wrong and getting in trouble, but now... she was breaking out of that little shell of hers and for some reason... I liked it. She was always perfect in my opinion, but seeing this side of her just made me want her even more. I felt as if I was getting to know her all over again. All I ever wanted was for her to want me back, but I knew that it was impossible.

It was impossible for a girl as perfect as her to ever love a guy like me.



New chapter, yay!

Intoxicated I Love You // Kian Lawley [a.u.]Where stories live. Discover now