Chapter 32 - Tear up me shoe

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Walking softly up on to the back verandah I glance through the glass door and my hand stills unconsciously on the handle.

D is smiling shyly at Jarrod as Maria points them to their seats; Jarrod is openly smiling at her. D doesn't realise she's beautiful, her soft nature and caring attitude are real winners. My eyes drift to him. He looks tense even though he's leaning against the wall like nothing in the world could ruffle his feathers.

He's only got a pair of shorts on so I can see just how stressed he is because his muscles are all popping out like steel beams under his tanned skin. The little hard bits are visible like walnuts above his jaw line as his eyes flick to the front door every few seconds, like he wants to escape.

He reminds me when you finally make a break through with a brumby in the round yard, they stand still but they are ready to fly at the slightest thing and there eyes constantly pull to the gate part.

Noah is reminds me of a wild one now, edgy and cornered. I wonder why he feels like that, since the rest of the room is relaxed and happy. I understand liking being on my own – as long as I have an animal with me - but I also love company whether its one or two hundred people, as long as I like them I'm comfortable. If I dislike them then I'm probably untamable in my need to get away or bring down. Doesn't he like us? Is it us?

Why is he like he is though? I mean my Mum made me what I am about crap stuff and I guess the rest of my family has influenced me greatly, in the good ways I mean, for them. And there's still the mystery why he beat the crap out of Seth's dad. Something doesn't add up.

So many questions and why? Just because he turned up here, maybe he's trying to do my head in. His naked torso is definitely doing my traitorous body in.

I can't be caught staring at him again, so he needs a shirt ASAP.

Sliding open the door his green eyes fly to mine, I can see some of the tension leave his body as his gaze softens. Okay... what is that about?

"D? I think you may have just sold another shirt friend," I smile at her nodding at Noah.

D blushes again but doesn't look at him. Jarrod chuckles.

"My shout, have you got one about his size?" I jerk my head to Noah, trying not to let my eyes linger on the tattoo above his shorts.

D gets up with a smile and dashes off. Jarrod winks at me and Noah breathes out through his nose. Pete does that too when he wants to make an understated point. I rarely listen to Pete either. Pete is beneath Amber, she won't have a bar of him even when she is in season. I told Dad I'm going to let her choose a stallion when she wants to and he flipped out. Amber and Pete have really good bloodlines he reckons she'll pick a donkey, all because she won't let Dad ride her and he thinks that means she is riddled with bad taste.

"Whoa!" I can't help but gasp when my eyes hit the table laden with the most amazing smelling food. I love food so much because well... I just do. Amber and I are very alike.

"This is looks so good Maria, I'm salivating like a sick milk cow," I smile at her as she gestures for me to come into the dining room. Noah chuckles lowly and gives me a... glance that could only be described as smug and maybe even knowing.

D comes back and again manages not to look at Noah all while politely passing him a shirt. It will really suits him; it's a light yellow with orange, brown and sky blue checks with pearly type buttons and the most amazing stitching. When he shrugs it on I can't help but swallow my mouth suddenly dry. D shyly sits next to Jarrod and Noah is now watching me from his position leaning against the wall.

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