Chapter 43 - wolf creek

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Cover by Coolcat17166 featuring herself and the lovely Mask, a horse from the RDI (riding for disabled). Thank you! And if you want to make a cover of yourself and your horse go for it.

This chapter dedicated to SparklyTwinkle who left the most amazing review for Avalon on goodreads, it just blew me away thank you xoxox

Hi guys big thank you for all your wonderful support and comments, I hope you like this chapter. i was going to  make it longer so Av could talk about stuff with D but will leave that for next chapter. I know alot of you want Nathan to come... and he will but not yet. YOu will find out in due time why he cant come and Noah can't either... they are in a secret place here and Noah if you remember is doing 'something' for av so he cant come and would be super pissed at me if I made him lol

Seth POV)

 "Whoa! Remind me never to call you bush pig," Wade utters and Avalon turns to him frowning, that cold smile that sent an involuntary shiver down my spine only a vivid memory.

 Since Av and I are friends now, I sometimes forget that she can be like that, when you are around her and she's her normal self, and by normal I mean not out for my blood, she's like a mega powered floodlight at a footy stadium. She's just alive.

It's funny that I've forgotten only last week calling her the hardest person I will ever meet, maybe because when she is your friend she doesn't show you that side of her. In this very moment I realise something... she's accepted me. Out of everyone I surf with and hang with the thought of being Avalon's friend makes me feel something weird inside.

 "What do you mean? I'm not insulted by being called a bush pig," Av is saying to Wade, who raises his eyebrow dubiously.

 "Then why the WolfCreek smile?" Jaime laughs, they are all so comfortable around her, probably because she's never had it in for them. I've never hung with anyone from this group, well only Lucy for an hour or so, and I'm surprised they aren't actually too bad.

 "WolfCreek smile?" Av chuckles. "What's that?"

 "Yeah that horror movie when that guy in the bush hunts the people down," Ruth pipes up. Sam I notice is sitting closer to Lucy than he's ever sat to a girl – apart from Av- that's he's not hooking up with, he's fricken sharing marshmallows like he's a girlfriend.

 "Oh yeah, they got that idea from my Pop, I remember him telling some guy on the phone all about his man hunts and yup, that smile would be classified as pretty spot on," Av starts sitting next to me again. I move slightly so that our legs are pressed together. My mind has its mental fingers crossed hoping that the 'seed' of us together... dating may have taken root in Avalon's crazy head. Most girls would be swooning from all the attention and touching I lavish on her but not Av. She just acts like it's normal. I feel like saying ... it is not! Well not for this long anyway, genreally girls cave after five minutes. 

 "What the hell! Are you kidding about your Pop, Av?" Lucy actually clutches on to Sam's arm and he doesn't react by shoving her off. Crazy stuff happening here.

 Av cackles like an evil villain, "Nope and I'm his prodigy. Of course I am boofhead and I'd like to rephrase the synopsis of the movie smile. I'm not hunting 'people', I'm hunting to 'terrorise' people, well a certain person so I'm definitely going to be active early tomorrow morning scouting just where we are and what 'fun' wildlife there is around," Av smirks. "Who wants me to wake them?"

 "Me" D surprises me with her expression, she's scared obviously but pushing through it.

 "You know bush pig is insult don't ya?" Tina says throwing another stick on the fire, swiftly ducking out of handling anything that Av's 'hunting' might produce.

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