Forced Sleepover

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        After that lovely dinner at the restaurant,  you, Sonic, and Tails had returned home to aid the moving van workers with carrying in the new furniture. Once that was finished the workers drove away after receiving payment. Now the mansion is completely set up! About time too, the moon has already risen about halfway in the sky. Only a few rays of red and orange sunshine line the horizon. Yawning, you shuffle out of the living room in which you had been placing books on the shelves, and head for the front doors.

        "Hey! Where you goin', (y/a)?"

        A sonic boom causes the ground to lurch under your feet. You fall to the floor with a surprised squeak while in the background you can hear Tails' protesting. Picking yourself up, you return your gaze to the entrance to see Sonic blocking the way. "Sonic, come on. I'm tired and I want to go home," you quietly groan, rubbing your eyes. The hedgehog spreads his arms wide across the double doors as you attempt to push past him.

        He says in a stern voice, "No way! It is way too dark to go home now!"

        "Actually," Tails begins with a thoughtful look. "By the time the sun has completely disappeared under the horizon, (Y/n) could be safely home. Taking into consideration her super speed."

        Sonic scoffs and starts to mumble numerous excuses under his breath, all the while locking the front doors. Your (e/c) eyes narrow dangerously. It looks as if you're about to challenge this stubborn blue hedgehog to a fight! A growl leaving your throat, you launch yourself at Sonic and push him to the floor. Right away he goes into defense mode, and the two of you roll around on the floor.

        "Guys, stop!" Tails shrieks as you and Sonic almost bowl him over.

        Sonic grips at your (y/c) fur, trying to hold you down without actually hurting you. You push him off with your feet and stand, (e/c) irises gleaming and claws outstretched. "Come on, (Y/n), this will be fun!" exclaims Sonic. "Why are you so against having another sleepover?" He taps his foot impatiently and gives Tails a look that says "Why aren't you helping?"

        A frown rests on your face as you consider, Why am I so against another sleepover? I mean, mostly every time it's been pretty fun... although it did end quite badly once or twice... As you begin to think about it, you don't notice the blue hedgehog creeping silently nearer. Until the hedgehog has you pinned to the ground. You wheeze as the air is squeezed from your lungs at the full weight of your attacker.

        "You're staying, and that's that."

        The weight is lifted and you heave in a painful breath. With an angry huff, you cross your arms and sit on the floor, pouting like a little kid. Tails shakes his head and regards you with concerned sky-blue eyes. "Maybe you should just stay. The sun has gone down anyway."

        "Hmph," you grunt.

        Tails and Sonic give each other exasperated glances, before the latter hastily says, "I'll get us a movie!" and zooms off.

        With your "capturer" gone, you stand up and eye the locked double-doors. However, before you can make a move, Tails takes your hand and leads you across the grand entrance to a white archway. On the other side is the living room, lined with bookshelves and a fireplace set into the left wall. You are set on the couch to face a large, flat-screen TV.

        "I'll make us some popcorn," the fox says as he leaves to the kitchen. When he exits the room, your other friend enters. Sonic holds up a movie in victory, seeming pretty stoked about it.

        "This is gonna be the best, scariest movie you've ever seen! Hey, where's Tails?" He looks around, clearly not being able to hear the microwave running in the next room as you can.

        Kitchen, you state in your mind. I'm not going to actually tell you because I'm still angry. You fold your arms and slouch into the soft cushions of the couch. Sonic smirks and pops the movie disc into the DVD player, afterward leaping onto the couch beside you with two remotes. He kicks off his red and white shoes, which land against the TV stand. You turn your head, giving the hedgehog a strange look.

        "Go ahead, (Y/n). You don't want to be wearin' shoes all day, do ya?"

        Shrugging, you pull off your (f/c) shoes and set them neatly to the side of the couch. While you are bent over, you can smell something. Something slightly sour. (E/c) eyes shift to your feet. You sniff, Nope, not me... (E/c) eyes shift to Sonic's feet.

        "Okay guys! I'm back with the popcorn!" Tails strolls into the living room and the sour smell is placed with a buttery scent. Right away you straighten your back, acting as if nothing had happened.

        "Tails can you sit in the middle?" you ask with a shy smile. "I—uh, we'll be able to share the popcorn if you're the one holding the bowl..." You inwardly slap yourself in the face. Sonic looks at you with a hurt expression.

        "Hey, I won't bite. I mean, if you take some of my popcorn then maybe I will..." His expression changes into a playful grin, but you still scoot away. Tails sits between the two of you before Sonic can scoot near. You hear a growl on the other side of the fox. "Let's get this movie started then, I guess." The TV is turned on, and the horror begins!

        During the movie, the sound of crunching can be heard as Sonic and Tails gobble down the popcorn. You haven't taken any for yourself since you honestly don't really care for the snack. After a while, the constant crunching is beginning to get on your nerves. With a finger on your lips, you lean over Tails and whisper, "Shh," to Sonic who's eating with his mouth open.

        The teen swallows and questions, "Why aren't you having any of this? You didn't take a single piece of popcorn!" Tails flinches at the hedgehog's outburst.

        "Sonic, shh!" he says, then turns back toward the TV screen. 

        You roll your eyes and answer Sonic's question in a low tone, "I don't think popcorn is that great. It tastes bland and it's unhealthy."

        "Cookies are unhealthy!" Sonic exclaims, completely ignoring the horror movie. "(Y/n), saying you don't like popcorn...that's like saying you don't like chili dogs!" Tails reaches over his friend and grabs the remote, pausing the movie.

        "Geez, Sonic, I thought you wanted to watch this," he sighs. Sonic ignores the fox while his arms flail in the air.

        "Popcorn doesn't compare to chili dogs, but still!" You grimace at the mention of chili dogs, as you don't like them either. Sonic's emerald eyes widen at your facial expression. His arms fall to the sides of his body, and he seems to go expressionless. "Tails. Make a chili dog." The serious tone of his voice shocks you. Without hesitation, Tails scuttles into the kitchen. With him gone, you can see the full view of the hedgehog. He's got a blank expression, staring intensely into your (e/c) eyes. As you stare back, his expression slowly changes into an evil grin. "I'm gonna make you like chili dogs."

        Feeling a bit frightened, you turn the TV back on and try to lose yourself in the horror movie. You can feel Sonic's gaze burning into your neck, and your face begins to heat with discomfort. Eventually, in the corner of your eye, you can see Sonic turn his head to the movie as well, and the blazing sensation on your neck disappears. Does he really care that much about chili dogs? It's just food. About ten minutes later there is a call from the kitchen. Instantly Sonic jumps up and drags you from the couch, not caring to pause the movie. You are roughly set on a bar stool placed at the kitchen island.

        "Thanks, buddy," Sonic purrs in a sickly-sweet voice. "Now you just go on and watch the movie. I'll take care of this."

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