The One With The Teenage Rebellion

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Dear Uncle Joe
Time of Our Lives (Smosh High) Entry 9
Teenage Rebellion
Okay, you remember Thursday. Of course you do. Shayla has left Smosh High. We still aren't over it. Like Mari, and Shayne. I'm not going to tell you about Mari, that's for a later entry, but I'll tell you about Shayne. He has gone crazy. Shayne came to school today, well, you should know. But it's wha the told Wes, Anthony, and Amra this morning. Shayne is like going on a protest or something. He's really mad at his family for sending away his little sister. What makes this even weird is that he's now not talking to anyone. The words he said to Anthony, Amra, and Wes were his last of the day. He said, 'Screw my mother beeping family. I'm done with them, I'm done with everything!' Now, that is, wow. If you call his parents they'll just say it's regular teenage rebellion. Man, his family is screwed up. But what makes this even weirder is that he is having lunch with me. I'm really scared. I don't know if I'll survive. Hopefully I'll see you again. This entry isn't over!

Katy's POV

"Hi Shayne, how ya doing?" I asked putting down my laptop. He didn't answer me. I sighed. "Listen dude, why are you eating with me?" I asked. I wasn't excepting an answer.

"Because, you're the only one who isn't pitying me," Shayne mumbled. I nodded.

"That's because I know what it's like to be pitied, it isn't fun," I said taking a bite of my sandwich. Shayne nodded. We eat in silence after that until he spoke up.

"I can't live with them anymore," Shayne mumbled. I nodded, continuing to eat my sandwich.

"Well, where are you going to live than?" I asked not really caring that much. Shayne looked at his food.

"Your Uncle said I could stay with him," Shayne mumbled. I looked at him shocked.

"That means that we'd live... together!" I told him. He nodded.

"Yeah," He mumbled. I thought about it for a minute.

Ian's POV

I walked over to my usual table to see everyone but Mari, Katy, Shayne, and Sohinki sitting there.

"They guys, what's going on?" I asked sitting down next to Lasercorn.

"Shayne is talking, to Katy of all people!" Joven said pointing at Shayne and Katy. This was weird. Katy didn't really like Shayne and he didn't really like her.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Noah asked.

"Better question, why are they talking?" Anthony asked. We all shrugged.

"Maybe we can try and listen to their conversation," Keith suggests. We all went quiet and tried our best to listen.

"I'm okay with that," Katy said. Shayne nodded. "After school we'll go to your house."

"She's going to his house after school!" I told them. They were all shocked.

"What?" Courtney asked.

"That's what I heard Katy say," I told Courtney. We continued to talk about it until Katy walked over to our table.

"Hey, would you guys mind not watching us have lunch? Great, thanks," She said before walking back to her table. Her and Shayne got up and left.

"What if the two are dating?" Joven suggested. Courtney glared at him. Flitz broke out laughing.

"Those two, nope!" Flitz laughed. We all looked at him.

"Why's that so funny?" Olivia asked.

"Oh, because," Flitz started but he stopped himself. "I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Courtney asked. She was probably worried that they were dating, thanks to Joven's comment.

"Because, when I talk about life with people, I don't tell others. It's one on one time. What she told me, stays with me," Flitz said. We all nodded. Almost everyone has talked life with Flitz, and we understood that he couldn't tell us. "But I can tell you that she is not with Shayne." Courtney smiled and glared at Joven.

"Well, you can understand where I'm coming from!" Joven said.


S0 you invited Shayne to come live with us. What the heck! Is Rosa okay with this? Whatever. I guess I understand what you're doing. If he takes the tv when I want to watch Gilmore Girls he's going to get it. Other than that, living with Shayne might not be that bad. It would be just like living with an older, stinky, annoying brother. You know how much I don't want a sibling. You know, maybe I can train Shayne into being my servant over the summer. Yeah, that would be great. Okay, I know, that's not aloud. But if he eats my snacks I'll make him go to the store and buy me more. You know, Shayne said he was talking to me because I'm the only one who isn't pitying him. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Of course I feel sad for Shayne but when Mom had to give me to you and Aunt Rosa and Bill got married, again, everyone pitied me. I hated that feeling and that's why I'm not doing that to Shayne. We will talk later about this, but not right after school. I have to go to Shayne's and help him get his stuff.
Lots of Love
        Katy Raub-Bereta❤️👏🏼

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