The One With The Screaming

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Olivia's POV

I can't believe what I did, and I have Katy to thank for that. I was going to thank her but she wasn't in math class. It was 1:28 and Mr. Raub gave us 15 minutes on homework. I tapped Keith on the shoulder. If I didn't know where Katy was, then Keith did.

"Keith, do you know where Katy is?" I asked. Keith shrugged.

"No idea, but the last I saw her was with Ian," Keith told me. I nodded.

"If you see her, tell her I say thanks." Keith smiled and went back to his work. There was a knock at the door. Mr. Raub opened it. It was Mr. Bereta.

"Mr. Raub, can I speak to you for a moment?" Mr. Bereta asked. Mr. Raub nodded and the two left the room. Noah looked back as Keith.

"Keith, do you know why Ian was acting all fun?" Noah asked. Keith shrugged.

"Did he say anything about where Katy is?" I asked. Noah shook his head no. Super Jock Wes joined the conversation.

"Oh, did the two lovers get in a fight or something?" Wes said snickering. We all looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" Sohinki asked. Wes looked at all of us.

"You don't know?" Wes asked with a giant smirk.

"Know what?" Anthony asked.

"The two were in a corner, hiding during lunch. They looked very suspicious, like they were up to something. I thought they were spying on you and Phil, but turns out they were just making sure no one saw them kiss," Wes told us all. We were all shocked.

Sohinki's POV

I pulled out my phone and went on the group chat.

Hinki😝🙌🏻: Wes is telling everyone that you two, Ian and Katy, kissed. Is it true?
Read 1:35 pm

Keith pulled out his phone and looked at the message. He turned to me and shrugged. What the heck was going on?

Keith😎✌🏾: Did you two kiss to cover up that we were spying?

Hinki😝🙌🏻: That makes so much more sense!
Read 1:36 pm

"So, they kissed! Why are we all acting like it's the end of the world?" Keith asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, people kiss all the time, for example...." I said looking around the classroom. "Uh, Shayne and Courtney!" I said pointing to them. The two stopped kissing and looked at us.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter that Ian and Katy kissed," Keith said. Everyone went quiet.

"But it's Ian, gamer dork, and Katy, teachers relative who doesn't show up!" Phil said. Olivia glared at him.

"Shut up Phil!" Olivia yelled. Soon we were all standing up yelling at each other about Ian and Katy. Mr. Raub came back in to see everyone screaming.

"Hey!" Mr. Raub yelled at everyone. No one stopped screaming.

"Everyone shut up!" I screamed causing everyone to stop and see Mr. Raub.

"Thank you Mr. Sohinki, now, I want all off you in detention after school." The bell rang and we all left the classroom. Keith caught up to me in the hallway.

"Hinki! What do you think this means?" Keith asked me. I shrugged.

"It was just a kiss, maybe they'll get together, maybe they be friends, maybe," I said before Keith cut me off.

"Maybe they'll never talk to each other ever again," Keith said. I sighed.

"It's Ian and Katy, they'll always be friends," I said before we walked into our last period class.

Anthony's POV

Shayne, Wes, and I were at our table working on a project.

"So, has Ian ever talked about Katy?" Wes asked. I rolled my eyes.

"They are friends," I said.

"Friends don't kiss friends," Wes said. I was going to say something back when Katy walked through the door and gave Mr. Winston, Katy's father, a late slip. He nodded.

"Katy, you will be working with Anthony's group," Mr. Winston said pointing to where Wes, Shayne, and I were sitting. She walked up to us and sat down, not saying anything. Her hair was tangled, unlike earlier when it was straight. Katy's eyes were red and puff. She was shaking, and her jeans were ripped.

"So Katy," Wes said with a smirk.

"Would you be able to get us some more paper for our blueprint?" I asked. She sniffled and nodded. Once she got up and left I smacked Wes.

"What the hell man!" Wes yelled.

"Leave her alone, both of you. It's obvious she's been crying, don't make her feel worse," I said. Shayne and Wes nodded. I didn't know if Wes was being sincere but I know Shayne was. Katy came back with the paper. She started to do the work, not talking to any of us. Wes smirked. Mr. Winston walked over to us.

"Ian isn't here today, so when he comes back he'll be in your group," Mr. Winston said to our group before he left. I looked at Shayne who was nodding, than Wes who was smirking, and Katy who was almost crying.

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