The One With The Sad Goodbye

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Keith's POV

Today was the day, Shayla's last day at Smosh High, really last period. She's only going to be in English. Normally I wouldn't care if a popular left the school, but it's why she's leaving that really bugs me. I'm gay, I'm not afraid to say it. My family happens to be really supportive, unlike the Topps. They are sending Shay, my fellow gay, away to 'fix' her. There's nothing wrong with her! No one has talked to Shayne, other than Wes. We are all to mad at him and his family to say anything.

"I'll miss you so much," Mari cried hugging Shayla. Shay cried as well.

"Listen Mar, I want you to move on, go date other people. I'll try and be back next year. Remember, we'll alway be best friends," Shay said. Mari nodded, letting go from the embrace.

"I'm so sorry Shay," I whispered to her. She gave me a hug.

"It's okay, I'll be okay," She told me. I didn't believe her. Belle was the next to say goodbye.

"I know we just met two days ago, but I'm going to miss you in gym class," Belle said causing Shay to laugh.

"I'll miss you too. You said some very important things," Shay said hugging Belle. The bell rang for English, so we all went into the classroom.

"Okay class, today, we won't be doing any work. We will be saying goodbye to Shayla, who is leaving for awhile," Mr. Bereta said. We all nodded. The next to go was Courtney.

"Shay, I didn't really know you until I started dating your brother. You were and are a great friend. I'm going to miss hanging out with you went I go over for super," Courtney said giving Shay a hug. She smiled and cried.

"I'll miss you too." After Courtney was Noah, who loved Shay almost as much as he loves me.

"Shay, you leaving is going to make this school less exciting and more sad," Noah said. Shay hugged him as well.

"I'll miss you so much Noah. It was because of how brave you and Keith are to come out that I was done hiding," Shay said causing me and Noah to cry.

"Shay, you trusted me so much with your secret, and I trusted you the same and I'm going to miss you," Anthony said giving her a hug. We all just found out that Anthony knew Shay was gay the whole day they were dating. Shay smiled and hugged him too.

"I'm gonna miss hitting on you to bug Shayne, and because you're pretty," Wes said causing us all to shake our heads and laugh. Shay chuckled and gave Wes a hug.

"And I'm gonna miss turning you down every day," Shay said with a big smile. We all laughed.

"I'll miss having you on my team in gym class," Sohinki said with a smile. Shay rolled her eyes playfully and hugged him.

"We might not have been friends but I'll miss the light that you bring into the school," Ian said. Shay smiled and hugged him too.

"You were the only popular, other than Flitz and Anthony, who wouldn't pick on me, so I thank you," Joven said. Shay laughed and gave Joven a hug.

"You always gave me a slice of pizza when you had one to many, so I'll miss that," Lasercorn said getting a laugh out of all of us. Shay hugged him. "When you come back, I owe you a slice of pizza."

"You and I had deep, meaningful talks about life and the universe, and I'm going to miss you deeply," Flitz said. Shay gave him a hug. Katy walked over to Shay.

"I never really liked you, just because you were a popular, but you stood up for me on the bus, and for that, I'll miss you," Katy said giving Shay a high five. One thing Katy doesn't like is hugging. Olivia walked over to Shay.

"Thank you," Olivia said hugging Shay. She whispered something into Shay's ear.

"Really?" Shay asked moving out of the embrace. Olivia nodded and Shay smiled. Someone knocked on the door. We all turned to see Shayne.

"The cars out front," He mumbled. Shay nodded whipping away her tears. Shayne walked over to Shay and hugged her. "I'm so sorry, I tried."

"That's okay," Shay said crying into his shoulder.

"If it means anything to you, I accept you," Shayne told her. Shay smiled and cried even more. I looked at everyone.

"Group hug!" I yelled. Everyone ran over to Shayne and Shayla and gave them a hug, even Katy and Mr. Bereta. We were all balling our eyes out once the hug was done.

"I'll be walking Shayla out, don't do anything stupid," Mr. Bereta said. We all nodded and went to our desks. Mr. Bereta and Shay left the classroom.

"Goodbye Shay," Shayne mumbled before he sat down. We all were crying, and giving each other hugs. Soon Mr. Bereta came back into the classroom.

"Okay, you guys can do what you want today," Mr. Bereta said walking over to his desk. I pulled out my phone and went on Snapchat. I opened Shay's story.

Shay-1637: Goodbye Smosh High

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