The One With The Bus

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Dear Uncle Joe
Time of Our Lives (Smosh High) Entry 3
Time to Hear the Break Up Story
So, if you recall from my last entry, Olivia was going to break up with Phil. Well, it happened. The two broke up. I thought that would be the talk of the school, I mean it is, but it's not as big as the other story.
The biggest rumour going around is that Ian and I kissed. It's not a rumour, although I did it because our cover was about to be blown. I don't like Ian that way. He's nice, and smart, and kinda cute, but he's just a friend. The reason I called this a rumour was because of what was going around with that. People think we're dating, they think that Ian cheated on me, they think that I'm pregnant, they think a lot. None of that is true, I promise Uncle Joe. The only part of this that's upsetting me is that Ian and I might never be friends again.
Anyway, let's get to the other news. Olivia dumped Phil's butt! I'm so proud of her. I just wish I saw it go down. Anthony doesn't have a clue about the break up, at least that's what we all think, looks like Matt did his mission a little too well. I know the story has taken a turn to being about me, but tomorrow is a new day, and Anthony is going to break up with Shayla. I just know it! Until the next entry.
Lots of Love
Katy Raub-Bereta❤️👏🏼

Courtney's POV

Olivia and I were on the bus talking about our math homework when Katy got on the bus.

"Katy?" I asked shocked. She hasn't taken the bus since the first week of school. "What are you doing on the bus?"

"My ride bailed," Katy said sitting in front of us. Right after her was Phil. He walked up to Olivia.

"Hey babe, can I sit with you?" He asked. All of us looked at him confused.

"Babe?" We all asked.

"You know, we can just eat lunch together, see ya babe," Phil said kissing Olivia's cheek. I looked at Katy who was looking at me.

"I thought you guys broke up!" Katy whispered yelled. I nodded.

"I thought we did too!" Olivia whispered yelled back. Katy pulled out her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Texting Keith, Sohinki, and Ian," Katy said. I nodded.

Keith's POV

I was waiting at the bus stop with Anthony and Sohinki. My phone goes off along with Sohinki's.

Kat😽👌🏻: Guys, Phil still thinks he's with Olivia!

Hinki😝🙌🏻: What!?!?

I looked at Sohinki than Anthony.

Keith😎✌🏾: But Liv-Liv said I can't deal with you anymore, I'm done with this.

Kat😽👌🏻: Well, that was the problem. She wasn't forward with him.

Hinki😝🙌🏻: Phil is an airhead.

Kat😽👌🏻: Liv needed to say I'm breaking up with you.

Keith😎✌🏾: Should we tell Anthony about this?

Kat😽👌🏻: Maybe, what do you think Hinki?

Hinki😝🙌🏻: Um, speaking of Anthony, there's something you should know.

Keith😎✌🏾: What? What should we know?

Hinki😝🙌🏻: Ok, promise you won't tell anyone, not even Olivia!

Kat😽👌🏻: Promise.

Hinki😝🙌🏻: Anthony is only dating Shayla to make Olivia jealous.

Keith😎✌🏾: Really? That's great!

Kat😽👌🏻: Well, this plan might be working. Livy can't stand being in the same room as Anthony and Shay-whatever.

Hinki😝🙌🏻: It's Shayla! How hard is it to remember her name?

Kat😽👌🏻: Whatever, talk to you on the bus.
Read 8:13 am

I looked at Keith then Anthony.

"Hey, Ant, I just thought I'd let you know that Olivia and Phil are still together," I said. Anthony looked at me.

"What do you mean still together?" Anthony asked.

"Livy tried to break up with him yesterday but he just didn't get it," Keith said.

"What do you mean?" Ian asked walking up.

"Did you not read the text?" Keith asked.

"I was walking to the bus stop. Sorry I didn't want to get hit by a car." Keith and I rolled our eyes.

"What happened to you yesterday man?" Keith asked. Ian looked at his shoes.

"Nothing, just worried I'd lost a friend," Ian said. We nodded. Soon the bus pulled up and we got on it.

Ian's POV

Usually I sit with Anthony on the bus but today I sat next to Katy.

"Hey Ian," Katy said with a small smile.

"Can we talk about yesterday?" I asked. Katy nodded.

"Yeah, I just did that because - " She said. I nodded.

"Yeah, are we still friends?" I asked. Katy smiled and nodded. I gave her a hug.

"I told you they were dating!" Wes shouted pointing at me and Katy.

"Shut up Wes! The two are just friends! Friends hug friends!" Shayla yelled from the back of the bus. Katy smiled at her.

"Did you read the group chat?" Katy asked.

"No," I said. Katy smiled.

"You might want to."

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