The One With The Throwback/Flashback

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Anthony's POV

It was about 8:05 in the morning and I was running to the bus stop. I was about 1 minute late.

"Wait!" I yelled running after the bus. A cute Asian girl saw me and told the bus driver to stop. The bus stopped and I ran over.

"You're lucky that girl begged me to stop," the driver said as I walked in. I nodded and took a seat in the back.

"Over here Anthony," Ian said, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I sat down next to him. The Asian girl was across from us.

"Thank you," I said to the girl. She smiled.

"No problem. It would suck to miss the bus on the first day of middle school," She said. The girl next to her spoke up.

"Tell the cute boy your name," She said pointing towards me. Ian and I smiled.

"Katy!" The cute girl said hitting Katy in the arm.

"What, you said it first. You said, look! There's a cute boy running after the bus," Katy said. Ian tried to hold back his laughter.

"Well, thank you for that too," I said. "I'm Anthony." I held out my hand and she shook it.

"Its nice to meet you Anthony, I'm Olivia," She said. We let go of each other's hands and turned to the front of the bus.

"And what's the average looking guys name?" Katy asked pointing to Ian. He rolled his eyes as I smiled. "I'm joking, I know your name, but Olivia doesn't."

"I'm Ian," he said. Katy lost interest in the conversation and turned to Olivia.

"Livy, did you watch the latest episode of Gilmore Girls?" Katy asked. Olivia nodded and the two talked about how this 'Jess' was really hot. Ian rolled his eyes and mimicked them. Katy turned to him. "Just for that, you are going to have to come over to my house and have a Gilmore Girls marathon!" Katy said causing Ian to groan. I smiled. Olivia looked at me.

"And well they do that, we can go out somewhere and have fun," Olivia said. I nodded. That was the day I met and got a crush on Olivia Sui.

"Anthony," Olivia said. I looked at her and smiled. "What?" She asked.

"Just remembering the day I met you," I said. Olivia smiled and laughed.

"That was a good day. I think Katy almost broke Ian," Olivia said. I nodded.

"Where are Ian and Katy?" I asked.

"They are probably being all lovey-dovey somewhere," Wes said with a smile. Someone I don't know rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Wesley," She said. Wes nodded.

"Who are you?" Olivia asked. Sohinki spoke up for her.

"This is Belle, she came to Smosh High yesterday," Sohinki said. Olivia nodded.

"It's nice to meet you Belle," Olivia said, "I'm Olivia."

"It's wonderful meeting you," Belle said.

"I'm Anthony. It looks like you have some control over Wes," I said pointing to Wes. She smiled.

"He has a crush on me, and I happen to like more.... unique people," Belle said glancing around the bus. I had no idea who she was talking about, but they must be something. Our conversion came to a stop when Shayla, Shayne, and Mari got on the bus.

"Shayne!" Wes said giving a high five to him. Shayne sat down next to him. Mari sat down next to Sohinki and Shay sat by herself, in the back of the bus. I looked at Olivia who nodded. I got up and went over to Shayla.

"Shay, what's wrong?" I asked. She started to cry and clasped in my arms.

Sohinki's POV

Mari sat next to me, which was weird because she always sat with Shayla.

"Mari, what's wrong?" I asked.

"The Topps suck, all but Shay," She whispered so Shayne couldn't hear her.

"What did they do?" I asked.

"Shay is leaving, for good," Mari whispered.


"Her parents are sending her away because she's gay," Mari said trying not to cry. I gave her a hug.

"It'll be okay Mar, she'll come back," I told her.

"No, not until she's straight. Her crazy family thinks that they can 'fix' her," Mari said.

"Well, maybe she isn't gay? Maybe she's bi? And she could date a guy so her family thinks-" I said before Mari stopped me.

"It's over, me and her can't date," Mari said. I frowned.

"That doesn't mean you guys can't be friends," I said. Mari nodded.

"We'll always be best friends, but it's just the fact that she's being sent away because of me," Mari said.

"No, don't say that. She's being sent away because her family is stupid," I told her.

"No, if she didn't become friends with me, than she wouldn't have gotten a crush on me," Mari said. I gave her another hug. I looked back at Anthony to see that he was dealing with the same thing I was. I looked over to Shayne, who was acting like nothing was going on. He's an ass.

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