The One With The Spying

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Dear Uncle Joe
Time of Our Lives (Smosh High) Entry 2
        Holy Crap!
Uncle Joe, stuff went down! It was, awkward. So, in my first entry I was talking about the schools new couple, and a fight. This time it's a break and spying. Although, this still has to do with Anthony and Olivia, everything probably will.
Let's begin with the spying. Ian, Matt, and Keith helped me do the spying. I only spied for my English mark, I didn't do it out of fun, although it was fun. Us four even have a group chat, 4 Spy Kids👌🏻👏🏼🙌🏻✌🏾, and yes, we were making fun of the movies. Anyway, Keith was getting a closer look, Matt was keeping Anthony distracted in case his name came up, and Ian and I were keeping looking and stopping anyone would get in the way. Can I just say, that spying job was just awkward. I'll tell you more in the next entry. Is this considered a cliffhanger? No wonder why I'm going to fail English.
Lots of Love
Katy Raub-Bereta❤️👏🏼

Keith's POV

My job was to go in for a closer look. I went to my locker, which was just a few down from where Phil was. Olivia was walking over to him. I looked at Sohinki and nodded. He walked over to Anthony.

"Hey Babe," Phil said going in for a kiss. He got denied. I tried to hold back my laugh.

"Don't babe me, you'll make this even harder," Olivia said. Phil looked at her confused.

"Make what harder?" He asked. Phil's such an idiot. I took a quick glance at Sohinki, seeing him struggle to keep Anthony from paying attention to Olivia.

Sohinki's POV

I was having a hard time Anthony from watching Olivia and Phil.

"For someone who says he's over it, you sure can stare," I said causing Anthony to look at me. He sighed.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked. I nodded. "But you can't tell anyone, not even Ian!" Wow! This was serious. Anthony told Ian everything. I nodded once again. Anthony started to walk away, so I followed him. Ian and Katy watched us leave with a smile. Now Anthony and I were in the empty art room.

"What's up man?" I asked.

"Okay," he whispered. "I'm not really over Olivia. Shay and I are dating to make her jealous." I nodded.

"What does Shayla get out of this?" I asked. Anthony sighed again.

"She's trying to make her crush jealous," Anthony said. I nodded.

"Wow, Shayla likes someone, for real, shocking," I said.

"You aren't going to say anything about this right," Anthony said. I nodded.

"I won't say anything," I said. I'm going to text Ian about this. Anthony and I talked for a bit until the warning bell went off. We both headed to our lockers.

Ian's POV

Katy and I were watching Phil and Olivia right outside of the janitors closet. Katy turned to me.

"What if we're messing up people's lives by doing this? Maybe Shayla and Anthony do like each other," Katy said. She always felt bad about almost anything she did. We looked around the corner again. I saw one of the populars see us.

"Wes is looking at us!" I whispered. Wes looked at Phil and Olivia then Katy and I. He started to walk over to us. "He's coming over!" I whispered. Before I could think of a plan, Katy grabbed my face and started kissing me. We kissed for about a minute than she pulled away. I looked over to where Wes was to see he had left.

"Did he leave?" Katy asked. I nodded. She looked at me than backed away. "Oh, gosh! I'm so sorry! What have I done?" She said. Katy quickly run towards the exit.

"Katy! Wait!" I yelled running after her. Soon the bell rang and started heading to class.

"Mr. Hecox, why are you late?" Mr. Raub, Katy's Uncle, asked. I didn't answer and sat down next to Noah. Mr. Raub went back to the lesson that he had started. Noah turned to me.

"Ian, your never late, what happened?" Noah asked. I looked at the desk in front of me and didn't say anything.

"Mr. Hecox, what's the answer to the question?" Mr. Raub asked.

"I'm sorry what was the question again?" I asked causing a couple people to laugh.

"Mr. Hecox, please go to the office," He said. I got up and grabbed my things. Once I was in the hallway, Anthony came out of the classroom.

"Ian, dude, what's wrong?" Anthony asked.

"I might have ruined a friendship," I mumbled before I went into the office. Anthony followed me.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. I didn't answer. He asked me again. I felt so bad, even though I didn't really do anything. I need to tell Katy that it's okay, and that we're still friends. A kiss between us won't ruin our friendship.

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