Chapter 45- A leaking Mess

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I'm sorry, I know its been nearly a month since I last updated but Year 12 can get extreme sometimes and yeah, the struggle is real. 

Thank you to those who vote and patiently waited. I honestly love each and every supporter.

Continue being awesome potatoes! 


Chapter 45- A leaking Mess 

|Rose's P.O.V|

"I'm really going to miss your dramatic ass." Laura whispers, hugging me tightly.

I sniff, my eyes pooling with tears. "I...I'm going to miss you so much more..." 

"Shh, its okay." 

"N-no...It's n-not..." I shake my head, my vision blurring from the tears

By now, I was a sobbing mess. Tears were streaming down my face like a full blasted tap. My chest felt tight and it was finding it difficult to breathe. 

 I've been holding on to Laura for the past ten minutes and refuse to let go.

I just wasn't ready.

She's been the sister I never had, the best friend that never judged, the shoulder when I needed to cry and the crazy clown that always made my day. 

And to have to say goodbye to someone as special as that, puts a permanent ache in my heart.

Friends are medicine for a wounded heart. 

"Don't cry, babe. You can still come and visit. I'm not leaving forever." She chuckles lightly through her tears. 

"I kn-now, but still." 

"Listen here you walrus." She suddenly becomes serious. "You better come and visit me every Saturday. I don't care if you're dying or missing a limb, you will find a way to visit me even if it means that Kyle will carry you there." Laura says firmly, holding my shoulders.

I wipe my eyes, giggling through my tears. "Obviously, you expired demon breath." 

"I just will never understand how girls call each other these type of things and get all defensive and upset if someone calls them fat or ugly." Kyle says confused, looking over to Malcolm who had a grin on his face.

"Oh no, not all girls talk this kind of nonsense. In fact, its only these two idiots who talk like that and I think its why ninety nine percent of the male population seem to be afraid to approach them. Especially Rose..." Malcolm replies.

My head snaps towards Kyle and Mal and give them my deadliest glare. "Shut your poop hole up or I'll be forced to sew it." 

"I told you, she's crazy!" Mal whispers loudly to Kyle and before I could run towards him and rip his hair off his scalp, a dramatic voice greets my ears.

"My one and only sister whom I love so dearly! Please don't leave me, your other half." Lewis pouts, hugging Laura.

"Awwwh! Twin bonding!" Angelica gushes.

"We're not even identical twins, I don't know what bond his ass feels." 

"Don't deny it, you can't live without me." Lewis whispers hugging her tighter and that's when I saw a tear slide down Laura's cheek. 

It was such a heart-wrenching sight especially after knowing that these two have never been separated before for more than a day. 

"Make sure you face-time me every single damn day or I swear to God Laura I will shove you into an erupting volcano." Lewis threatens but I could see a small smile itching it's way onto his face.

Just Another Badboy Story ||COMPLETED||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon