Chapter 42 - Sleepover

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Chapter 42 - Sleepover

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Chapter 42 - Sleepover

|Rose's P.O.V|

The weather seemed to take a complete turn as the sky was suddenly sprawled in black clouds and erupted in heavy cold rain, followed by a loud grumbling in the sky. Some might find this to be the perfect weather to snuggle in your bed with a blanket and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate and get lost in a book because honestly, what else was better than that?

But sadly, I currently didn't have a bed or a room as some chemically retarded idiot decided it would be a lovely idea to trash Laura and I's dorm. I almost cried at the thought of what I was missing out on. I could be sitting there reading and getting lost in someone's else's interesting life. Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are.

"Look, I'm sorry girls, I'm very busy right now and probably wont be free for a week, so in the meantime, share a dorm with someone else whilst I sort out a problem and then I can deal with the issue of your destroyed dorm. I'll promise you I'll find out who is responsible for it pay for every damage caused." My dad apologises with sympathy as he packs up his desk that was clattered with tons of papers.

"Its okay." I shrug, not wanting him to stress out even more.

So Laura decided to share a dorm with Angel since shes also friends with Angels room mate which was great for her. Just ditching me like this like I'm something with no feelings. Its okay. I love being abandoned. I mean, who doesn't?

The problem was that there were no other spare dorm rooms as this is a very prestigious boarding school with a waiting list that was quite literally longer than my life. Meaning that every spot was taken up and you basically have to be a rich nerd to get in. It was hard to get in this boarding school with a scholarship as rich parents obviously pay more for their children to ensure a spot which I guess might not be fair for some people as it all depends on your wealth. Though if you do fail a class, you'll be kicked out and another student can be given a chance. I guess that was fair.

I groan as I tug at my hair in irritation during Chemistry class. Kyle stared at me oddly as he contemplated if he should risk asking why I had messed up my hair to mimic an out of control birds nest.

"What do I do? I'm gonna be homeless for a whole week!" I exclaim dramatically. "And it's so cold and practically raining elephants outside."

"Don't you know any other females in this school?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

I huff out. "Well yeah, but as class mates only. I don't trust them near my unconscious self! I mean just because they are females, doesn't mean they are not capable of murder. I am not risking my life with a bunch of crazy girls who take too damn long in the bathroom just to apply their endless amount of foundation layers and all that other crap they splat onto their faces. I would rather share a dorm with a stinky and smelly guy!"

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