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"Beacon Hills Vet, this is Becky." I frowned slightly, before answering. "Uhm, yes. Hi, I'm looking for Dea- Dr. Deaton."

"Dr. Deaton is on vacation. He won't be back till Thursday. Can I take a message?"

"No. Thank you." I pushed the end button a little harder than necessary before stowing the phone back in my pocket. I threw my head back against the headrest and stared at the ceiling of my car. The odd, numb sensation in my stomach had been growing over the past few hours along with the burning in my throat. And I had begun coughing uncontrollably. Not to mention the fatigue and weakness.

"Damn it!" I snarled, slamming my fist in to the steering wheel. I wasn't even strong enough to make the horn sound. Huffing in frustration, I shifted into reverse and flew out of the parking space and took off toward my house. Elle had been texting me for the better part of the last three hours.

The sun had set over an hour ago and the roads were dead. As I passed the local grocer and gas station, I noted the lots were empty. Not surprising seeing that it was Saturday. Everyone was at the bar or the lacrosse fields. I groaned as I felt a sharp tinge in my side. It was happening more and more frequently. I was rotting, I was sure of it. I turned up the radio in hopes of getting my mind off the ever clinging hunger. I skimmed a few random channels and looked back up. Just in time to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting the blue sedan sitting in the middle of the road.

"What the fu-?!" I slammed the gear shift into park and turned on my hazards before stepping out to check on the car in front of me.

As I rounded the front of the vehicle, I saw the entire grill was caved in and the engine was smoking. I couldn't see into the vehicle until I approached the drivers side. There was a man, about mid 30's unconscious behind the wheel, head tilted back to reveal a nasty gash across his forehead, where he had obviously hit the windshield judging by his lack of seat belt.

"Hello? Sir, can you hear me? Sir?" I called. He didn't respond. I carefully pulled the door open and gently shook the man.

"Hey! Sir, wake up!" I shook him roughly. He let out a groan, his head lolling to one side. His eyes remained closed. I took his arm and draped it over my shoulder and pulled.

"Oh shit!" I grunted as his full weight hit me. I quickly half dragged him away from the car and laid him out on the road. He had glass in his hair and embedded in his scalp and knuckles. And a bruise already darkened under his left eye. I tapped his chest a few times, unsure what to do.

"Hey. Sir? Sir!" I reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. Four credit cards, a picture of a pretty woman, and thirty two dollars cash. His ID read Robert Paul Thompson.

"Robert? Mr. Thompson? Come on! Work with me! Robert! Open your eyes!" I shouted, shaking him harder. He groaned again and his eyes flickered open. I sighed in relief.

"Thank god! Hey, can you hear me?" I asked, crouching over him. His eyes darted everywhere in confusion. "There was a deer. It came out of nowhere. Are you an EMT?" He asked in a haze. I sat back and laughed. I ran a hand through my hair.

"No. I'm not an EMT. But we should probably call for help." I reached for my phone but stopped when Robert grabbed my arm.

"No! I mean no. I'm okay. I just need a ride home." He gasped, struggling to sit up. I shook my head.

"No way. You need help. Your... Bleeding." Sudden realization hit me like a bullet, knocking the breathe out out of me. My throat suddenly seemed to close. Heat spread through me starting along my spine before spreading through my limbs. I felt my fangs elongate and scrape against my gums. I couldn't fight it anymore. I was hunger. I slowly turned back toward him, my phone forgotten. My eyes zeroed in first on the still bleeding gash on his head then settled to the throbbing vein in his throat.

"Your eyes." Robert gasped, staring at me in shock. I ignored his comment and before he could take a breath to scream I was on him. I ripped his head to one side and buried my face into his neck, my teeth tearing into his throat like butter. Instantly my mouth was filled with a warm coppery liquid. Blood. I was drinking blood. Human blood. In the back of my mind I willed myself to stop, but I was not in control. All I had was the unquenchable thirst. I groaned in relief as the burning in my throat began to ebb with every swallow. A tingling sensation was spreading through me and it took me a few moments to realize what it was. Power. I felt strong. Almost alive. I smiled as I drank, relishing the feeling coursing through my veins even as I drained Robert's. Robert. My eyes flashed open as I threw myself back. Robert lay still, his eyes open in terror, staring but not really seeing. He was dead. I stared in shock at the body laying before me, unconsciously wiping at my mouth with the back of my hand.

'What have I done?' I thought. What had I done? What happened? I had become a predator. I couldn't stop it.

"Oh god. Oh god. Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod!" I began panicking, shaking Robert's body. "Wake up! Please! Wake up!" I felt the wetness on my cheeks and fear in my chest. The power and strength I had felt just moments before was long gone. "What do I do?!" I rocked back on my heels, hugging my knees to my chest. I suddenly felt so small. I had saved a man, only to kill him myself. Surely there was a special place in hell for monsters like me. A vibrating in my pocket tore through my helplessness. I pulled out my phone. A message from Elle.

When are you coming home? -Elle

I held the phone to my forehead, my eyes squeezed shut. I focused on my breathing. 'Calm down, Artemis! You can get through this." Finding my resolve, I stood and walked back to my car, forcing myself to not look back.

Wild Ones - Teen Wolf fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now