Man On Fire

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The shouts were what woke me, initially. I groaned, rolling on to my back from the fetal position I had been out in. My joints cracked in protest, causing me to wince. How long had I been out? I glanced around in confusion. I was laying on the cold linoleum of the fourth floor corridor, but I was alone. Ms. Morell was nowhere to be found.

"Hello?" My voice sounded raspy, like I hadn't spoken in days. No one answered, but the shouts grew in volume. It sounded like it was coming from outside. Struggling to my feet, I made my way to the windows on shaky knees, cursing when my legs buckled, leaving me clinging to the window frame weakly. Outside was a scene. The front gates where closed, which was odd in and of it's self. But that's not what made my stomach turn in anxiety. An old vintage car sat in the middle of the drive, surrounded by people, some in uniforms, some in civilian clothes. From my vantage point, it looked as though the civilians were facing off against the officers, who appeared to be protecting the car and it's occupants.

"What the hell?" I crumpled to the floor, unable to hold myself up any longer. I shifted, so my back pressed against the wall under the window, resting my head against the sill. I closed my eyes and focused on breathing, rubbing my legs in anxiety. What was going on? I must have been out for several hours, it was dark out, a sliver of moon shown into the corridor. I knew I needed to get down there and figure out what was happening out there.

Knowing full well I wouldn't be able to walk, I shifted to my knees and began crawling toward the staircase, grunting with the effort. It felt like my head was full of rocks, dry and heavy. Where was everyone? Why did Ms. Morell leave me here like this? I reached the staircase and swung my legs in front of me, scooting on my butt like a child. It took forever to get to the ground floor. As my feet hit the final step, I forced myself to my feet, using the banister for full support. The shouts were much louder now, sounding more like a riot. Despite my trembling knees, I made it to the heavy wooden door that stood open, leading to the front gate. It was a riot. The car was being rocked by the mob of angry civilians, men shouting and hitting the windows of the vehicle, women sobbing and trying to stop them. Some of the officers had given up on protecting the car and were running to the gate to get it open. I made it to the concrete steps, my knees shaking like a new born deer. A young woman stood a few feet away, her arms wrapped around herself in fear.

"What's going on?" I asked, unable to pry my eyes away from the conflict unfolding before my eyes. She didn't answer, simply looking on in helplessness. Suddenly shots rang out, followed by screams. I gasped as several people suddenly collapsed. The woman beside me cried out once before her hands clamped over her mouth in distress.

An officer near the car began shouting orders at the officer still holding the gun, obviously furious at his actions. But almost in the same moment there was a flash of light, and his uniform was set ablaze. I looked on in shocked horror as he fought the flames licking up his uniform, his cries piercing above the angry shouts of the mob. I clamped my hands over my ears at the sound, recognizing the sound instantly. This was the source of the screams I had been hearing. The man on fire. I couldn't tear my eyes away, even when he collapsed on the asphalt, obviously unconscious. The flames continued to burn, dancing in the breeze of the summer night. Another officer began shouting to his comrades, pointing at the civilians. Gun shots filled the air. I felt myself tilt, the concrete rushing up to meet my face. Darkness.


I felt like I was floating. My legs felt weightless. My head felt like a balloon, like the ones you see at the circus. I sighed in contentment, revelling in the feeling. I was so... comfortable. That was the word. Then a soft sound began tugging at my consciousness. It was soft, but unrelenting. beep, beep, beep, beep. I frowned. It was getting louder. No. I didn't want this. Would someone please make it stop?! I wasn't ready. Not yet. It was now a loud, constant beeping, somewhere near my head. Then I began to feel heavy. It was as if my limbs were filling with lead, and my head was refilling with the rocks from before. I was laying in a bed, judging from my position. It was then I realized that my eyes were still closed. My eye lids were so heavy. I struggled for a moment, but managed to make my lids flutter some. The room I was in was dark and empty. I was surrounded by machines, revealing the source of the sounds. The hospital. I forced my eyes open more and attempted to get a better look around. I was in a small room. There was a small tv mounted on the wall in the corner of the room. A table sat under the only window, flower bouquets littering the top. Two uncomfortable looking chairs were set against the opposite wall from the bed. The door to my room was shut, the only light shining through the small window in the door. I looked down to see tubes and wires all over the place, nearly choking when I realized some of the tubes were attached to my nose and mouth. After struggling to gain control of my arms, I managed to lift my arm to my face, in an attempt to dislodge the more uncomfortable tubing. I gagged as my feeding tube scraped against the back of my throat, making me sit up. The sudden move dislodged some of the wiring on my skin, causing an alarm to sound. Within moments my door was slammed open to reveal a very confused nurse. She was short with dark, curly hair and laugh lines around her eyes and her name tag said 'Melissa'. I continued batting at the many wires until she gently took my hands in hers.

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