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"Is that enough proof? Or do you need more?" He asked, placing the trash bin back by the door. I shook my head. My throat felt raw, like I hadn't had a glass of water in months. I swallowed hard and took a breath to steady myself.

"Yes. And no. I understand, but its impossible. Vampires don't exist." I ran a hand through my hair and took a step forward to start pacing when I remembered my bad leg. Deaton nodded.

"It's a big pill to swallow, but its the truth." He gave me a look of pity and turned to look at the clock. 3:32am. "Sun rise is in three hours. We'll need to find a safe place for you to stay, out of the sun. But first, we need to get you blood." I frowned and stared hard at him.

"Out of the sun? I can't go outside? And where are going to get blood? Grab some random off the street and ask them to prick their finger?" Deaton's face remained void of emotion at my remark.

"It will be more than a prick of the finger, Artemis. You'll need more than any one person can offer. You'll want more."

"Well that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside." I scoffed. My emotions were a roller coaster. Disbelief, anger, fear, humor, sadness, awe. All jumbled up inside me. But I kept my exterior cool and as collected as possible. Deaton wasn't fooled.

"Everything will be alright. Your not alone." I snapped my head up.

"There are others? Like me?" I felt a tendril of hope begin to grow. Until Deaton shook his head.

"Not vampires. But other supernatural people. Closer than you think." He smiled and reached into his pocket, retrieving a set of keys. "But I'll explain later."

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking pointedly at the keys in his hand. He gestured to the door.

"I'm going to get you what you need. You need to stay here and rest. There are blankets in that cabinet if you want to rest in the lobby. I'll be back in thirty minutes tops." I groaned but nodded in agreement. I didn't want to be couped up, but I didn't want to mess with my bad leg too much either. Deaton disappeared around the corner and a few seconds later I heard the main door shut and the lock click. I sighed and went to the cupboard that he had said held the blankets but wrinkled my nose in disgust. They smelled awful, like mold and wet dog. I dug through them until I found one that stunk a little less than the others and pulled it out. Unfortunately it was a horrid, vivid yellow with little pink flowers all over it, but it would do. I limped to the waiting room and slid some chairs together to make a makeshift bed and carefully sat myself down. My leg wasn't hurting too bad anymore, just a constant throbbing. Blood had begun to seep through the wrapping, leaving a crimson spot. I nestled the blanket around me, careful to keep it away from my nose, and set my head back. I closed my eyes and let myself relax. Thats when I noticed the noises. The rattle of the ceiling fan in the next room, the thrum of the computer behind the counter, the rumble of the occasional passing car on the street. The noises seemed to get louder and other noises joined in. The dripping of a faucet, soft purring, sound of paws on metal. I winced and covered my ears with my palms, trying to block out all the sounds. Suddenly I remembered something my mother had taught me when I was small.

"Sing to the rain, when the thunder gets too loud. Thunder hates singing." Her voice rang through my mind. I began singing an old lullaby, keeping my ears covered. As I sang I noticed the sounds seemed to sound farther away. I sang softly under my breath, keeping my ears covered until all I could hear was my own voice and heart beat. I uncovered my ears and listened. It was quiet again.

"Wierd." I whispered. My thoughts began to wander. Where was Stiles? Has Elle noticed I'm missing yet? How did all this happen? I thought people were bitten and then became vampires? I wasn't bitten. It had all started at Lydia's party. That's when I had those terrifying visions. I frowned. How did I become a vampire? I couldn't think of anything. I came up blank. 'Maybe Deaton's wrong. Maybe I'm not a vampire... Maybe I'm something else.' I thought. That idea didn't do anything to make me feel better.

Wild Ones - Teen Wolf fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now